17: Fight! Fight!

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You must remember, Wanderer... all things happen for a reason.


Kay had passed out while crying in Storm's arms. She woke up to being alone in her room, barely remembering the events from the night before. 

Rubbing her eyes, she stood up and stretched, heading for the door. She opened it to see Storm rush by.

"Hey, Storm where are you going?" Kay asked, catching up with her.

"Important mission, no time to talk, Kay." Storm said, turning the corner sharply. 

"Be safe!" Kay said as she turned, peeking around the corner. 

Marcus and Coal were there, heading towards the elevator to the Docking Bay. Coal caught sight of her as she just watched him silently for a moment, before he snarled at her.

Frightened, she shot back around the corner, She pressed up against the wall, What was that about? she thought, Did... did I do something wrong?

Suddenly feeling sad, she decided to head to the kitchen to find Tuna and ask for something to eat. She wondered if this strange ship had chocolate... or ice cream. Then she frowned, she didn't recall ever having chocolate... was it bad for cats?

Ears drooping, and curled tail swinging loosely behind her as she walked, she sighed and crossed her arms. Her bottom lip stuck out slightly in a pouting expression. She turned down one of the hallways before curiosity suddenly struck her. She could hear yelling from further along and it echoed through the halls. 

Picking up her pace and forgetting about the kitchen entirely, she followed the voices. There were two of them, two guys from the sound of it. 

As Kay did her best to find the voices, she realized they led to the Bridge. Lowering her brows, she stepped into the elevator. Anxiety tingling at the edge of her conscious, giving her butterflies. 

Taking a deep breath, the elevator door opened and Kay gasped. 

Orion and Dun were both leaning into each other angrily. Orion's eyes were flaming blue and the fur on his back was standing up on edge. He looked shorter than Dun, and the rabbit seemed to take advantage of this by keeping his ears straight up. They were apparently in the middle of an argument.

Elva was on the side, a look of deep concern in her eyes. K9 was nowhere to be seen and Shin was also gone. Dun was baring his massive front teeth at Orion, "It was stupid to allow him to go out there-"

"Are you questioning the Captain's authority? Rabbit?" Orion snarled, baring his own teeth in return to Dun.

"You did not just call me a rabbit, you filthy mongrel."

Elva's nose twitched nervously as she stared wide-eyed at Kay. Kay looked to the poor small rabbit. The communicator just shook her head vigorously, silently telling her to just leave. 

In any other instance, Kay would have. 

But not this time. 

Taking a deep breath she watched for a moment to assess the situation and what was happening. She wanted to figure out who started it and how to easily stop it without anyone getting hurt.

Orion barked angrily at Dun, who flinched as Orion snapped aggressively at the rabbit's neck, clearly missing on purpose, "You have no authority over me, navigator. I always take charge while Marcus is away and you will listen to me or it's off to the Bri-" 

Orion was interrupted by a flurry of fists as Dun plowed himself into Orion, his eyes red with fresh rage and a hunger for... revenge? Orion dodged most of them with ease, and grinned angrily at the rabbit when Dun finished his first round.

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