38: Truth

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Now you know. This is me, Hava... or Kay, from the future. I'm writing this to you fellow readers because you now know my story. You may think of me as insane, but this has truly happened to me and many others. Ever thought you were special? Different from others around you? Ever had lucid dreams where you thought you weren't yourself? Where you could control yourself and interact with those around you?

Then perhaps... you have the ability to Shift like me.


Hava's vision flickered as she read her future name. It flicked from her standing in her closet looking at her phone, to sitting on the ground in a bloody mess trying to sit up again. When she fought it, panicking, she flicked back to Hava. She was still human.

She saw a new text from Jesse.

"Did I scare ya?"

"How did you do that?!"

"Remember when you asked me if I knew anyone named Jesse?"

"On the ship? Uhh, yeah I do."

"That's what you did to me when you asked."

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry D:"

"It's fine lol. We are even now tho >:)"

"Shouldn't we head back? Is time going by at all?"

"We should, and it's... complicated. Whenever we are here now, we return over there as if we never left. Do you know how to go back?"

"That's something I struggled with since the beginning Jess. You of all people should know this..." 

"I would have you ask Jacob but he's busy right now."

"Was... everyone on the ship once human?"

"No, just a few of us. Some of the ones that believe you anyways."


"He has since severed his connection with once being human. That's how he... was able to 'fetch' you."

"How do I go back?"

"Close your eyes and say your Future Name over and over until you believe you're truly that person. When you open your eyes, you'll feel the change. See you on the other side."

Hava put her phone away and took a deep breath. This was all so weird. Her best friend was actually a massive maned wolf guy who was the captain of a crew full of anthropomorphic animals that lived in the future... she nodded. Yup, she was definitely insane, she might as well roll with it at this point.

She closed her eyes and said her future name over and over, "Kay... I am Kay... I am Kay..." She felt herself slowly changing. It was painful at first and she pulled away. Then she remembered her future self had been injured.

She opened her eyes and found herself in the blinding light that had consumed her before. Was she dead? No... she could feel her body. It was different from before... and she realized she had a new choice. Remain as Kay... or become someone new again, as if it were a video game.

Without hesitation, she chose to remain as Kay. She had grown to love herself that way, and she wanted to keep it that way.

She sank to unfamiliar ground and her vision darkened. She saw her hand, it was Kay's... the comfort of returning to Kay's body despite the injuries and pain... was warming.

She groaned and tears stung her eyes. She pushed herself up to a sitting position and gasped. Marcus looked at her in silence for a moment, and then spoke in a quiet whisper, "It gets easier the more you do it."

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