Chapter 2

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Dream's P.O.V

I saw the light come into the window as the sun rose. I was still against the door, I was in so much pain and was to tired to move.

I slowly got up and limped to my closet. I picked a outfit and put it on.

It was jean shorts with a long sleeved purple shirt, white socks going all the way up to my knees and black sneakers. I opened a drawer which held my crown and Nightmare's old crown. I gave a sad smile, I miss him.

I almost forgot! I need to cover the bags under my eyes! I went into the bathroom and put on a bit of makeup, now I am ready!

I put my crown on and headed downstairs. As expected, Blue was making tacos.

 "Good morning Blue!" I said cheerful, I've mastered faking emotions.

 "Morning Dream! How did you sleep?" He asked, not even looking at me. He was to focused on making his tacos.

 "Good!" I said as I sat down at the table.

 "That's good! I didn't sleep to much, the movie kept me up." Blue said.

 "Then you should have slept in! You need sleep!" I said.

 "But I had to make breakfast!" Blue argued.

 "Alright, then you should go to bed early tonight!" I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my side, it was like being stabbed. I need to go do my job soon.

 "Okay!" He pulled the tacos out of the oven and put them on a nice platter. "Here you go!" He said, setting the platter on the table.

I smiled at him as I took a taco. After I finished eating I got up. "I need to go spread positivity! Bye Blue!"

 "Bye! Stay safe!" He said as he was washing the dishes.

 I made a portal and left.

Once I got the positivity to 70% I decided to go visit my old au.

(If the negativity is low, it doesn't actually hurt Nightmare. I will give a better explanation next chapter.)

I walked around, looking at all the destroyed buildings. No one has lived here since....since.....The accident. 

I saw the destroyed tree. The memories came flooding back, all that time talking and laughing with Nightmare. If I wasn't with him, he was reading. Or at least that's what I saw.

Then, another memory came. The villagers trying to attack him, his screams as the darkness consumed him. The villagers painful cries.

This is all my fault, I could have prevented that. I just watched in horror. Nightmare is right, I'm not a hero. I couldn't even protect my own brother.

I sat under the broken tree, I soon felt my eyes being filled with tears. I was crying, more than usual. I wiped and scratched at my eyes, nothing worked. I couldn't stop crying.

I just leaned against the tree and let the tears fall. My cries were loud, but it's not like it matters. No one is here to hear me.


The next chapter will be an explanation. Everything is probably really confusing right now. I'll try my best to explain it.

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