haha dead wife

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(Two things I wrote about my medic ocs' wives deaths djhdjd the ocs are Opsirin(Red medic) and Jakob(Blu Medic). More on my insta of course sjsjjs)

And I oop-

(These are meant to kinda be written in a newspaper like style sksjjs I'm trying-)

19XX January 1st, Hannah Schneider and Jürgen Meyer found dead in the women's bed. The two where found stabbed multiple times with a knife that was owned by the women's husband, Ospirin Schneider. Police believe Ospirin walked into his wife cheating on him with his coworker and out of rage murdered the two. The most scary thing about this murder is that Ospirin has not yet been found, believed to have had ran away after the murder not to get caught since many things where missing that belonged to him aswell as all the money.

(I'm trying ya'll-)

In the small town of Stavanger, there is another murder. Stavanger has became a much scarier town due to all of the murders that had happened the past ten years. And today another death. On 19XX December 8th, Marianne Asker was found dead in her husband's office. Her husband, Jakob Asker, was with his friends at the time. A homeless man known as Bjørn Bohler broke into the home while drunk that night trying to rob the house. He was in Mr.Asker's office when Mrs.Asker came in thinking it was her husband. In panic, Bjørn grabbed a Syringe filled with a poison. Mr.Asker had this in his office due to him being a doctor and commonly did tests and studied types of medicines and Poisons when he could. Bjørn then tried to kill the Marianne. There was a fight and sadly Bjørn won. He stabbed the woman in the neck and ejected her with the poison. He then stole money and other valuable things in the house and ran. Mr.Asker then came home to his wife's dead body later that night and called the police immediately. The police arrived to see the man in tears in the front lawn. Bjørn was found passed out in a alleyway with all the stolen items. He continues to say he is innocent but we all 𝗞𝗻𝗼𝘄 he was the murder.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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