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• Hailey's P.o.V •

I groaned for the millionth time as I looked around.

"Hey there Green Bean." Someone appeared out of nowhere causing me to fall back.

"You gonna do somethin'?" He asked.

I shook my head slightly and he bent down and untied the rope. He was dark skinned, very muscular. Older it seemed.

He swung the door open and looked at me.

"I'm Alby." He smiled. "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a Griever."

"Griever? What is this place?" I asked.

"C'mon, I'll give you a tour." He smiled. "Do you remember anything? A name? Where you came from?"

I shook my head as I climbed out of the hole.

"Why can't I remember anything?" I frowned.

"It's ok, it's normal. We've all been where you are now. Wake up in the Box and get thrown in the Pit." He explained.

I now know that hole is a Pit. I looked around seeing we're surrounded by walls. Four big stone very very big walls.

"What is this place?" I asked for the third time today.

"You remind me of-"

"-Aye there Alby." Someone came up.

He had blonde shaggy hair and brown eyes. Nice. Strange accent.

"This is Newt, he's in charge when I'm not around." Alby stated.

"Good thing you're always around." Newt smiled. "Remember your name yet, Greenie?"

I shook my head, "Um no."

He seemed a bit surprised but quickly shook it off hoping Alby didn't notice. Why was he surprised? I don't even care. I want answers.

"Look Newt go find Chuck." Alby said.

Newt nodded and walked off and looked around. Alby soon looked at me.

"C'mon." He started walking and I followed. "So I'll answer your question."

I listened in as we walked to a shaft type thing.

"Hope your aren't scared of heights." He smiled climbing the ladder.

"Not that a remember." I smiled.

I climbed after him and he threw open the door and climbed up on the thing. I followed and we stood there over looking

"This is the Glade, they're Gladers." He stated.

"What's out there? What is that thing?" I asked.

"Terrible things are out there, just never go out there. Ever." He looked at me sternly. "But look over there. That's the Box."

I pursed my lips. Something just tugs at me telling me to go out there. That I need, really I honestly want to.

"What's so special about that Box?"

"Greenie every month and new supplies every week. That Green Bean this month is you." He stated.

I nodded understanding.

"We have three rules, Greenie." He said.

I looked at him listening.

"1.) Do your part 2.) Never hurt another Glader and 3.) Never go out there. Nobody leaves Greenie."

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