Chapter 13- Woods

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   "Chengmei! Come here!" The queen's voice echoed in the halls as she walked up to the man.
    "Yes, your majesty?" Xue Yang asked tensing up.
    "Where is Xingchen? I haven't seen him all day, and Song Lan says he doesn't know either," she said.
   "Have you checked the garden?" Xue Yang asked.
    "No...thank you," the woman said and walked away.
    Xue Yang silently followed, unnoticed. He walked behind the woman at a good distance away and sneaked through the window to the garden. He jumped down and ran to the small bench where Xingchen was sitting, "Come on, hurry," he said as he grabbed the man's arm.
   "Wait what?" Xingchen was pulled back and through the window back inside.
    "Let's go," Xue Yang pulled the man to his own room and locked the door, "sit down." Xingchen obeyed and sat down on Xue Yang's bed.
    "What are you doing?" Xingchen asked baffled.
     "Your mother was searching for you and I told her you were in the garden. It's a big place so she might take a while to find you, now what did you want to meet up about?" Xue Yang said.
     "Uh well I'm sure you know that Princess Mingmei is pregnant, and I want to ask for a favor," Xingchen said, "I want you to kill the baby."
    "Way ahead of you," Xue Yang said laying down on the bed.
    "What do you mean?" Xingchen asked tilting his head.
    "I met up with a friend and she said she'll handle it," Xue Yang said, "and the baby should be dead wither today or tomorrow."
    "Wait really?" Xingchen asked excitedly.
    "Yes, and speaking of her. I should go meet up with her today for some updates, she usually goes in the woods so I should go by myself," Xue Yang said, "you stay here in case your mother comes."
    "But I want to come with you," Xingchen whined.
     "I'm still mad at you so no," Xue Yang said standing up.
     "You have no right to be mad at me! It was your fault since the very beginning!" Xingchen said loudly.
    "First off shut up, we're still inside. And second off how?" Xue Yang said.
     "Because you decided to not kill me AND when you got mad you decided to let your feelings out on me," Xingchen said.
    "Of course I would let my feelings out on you," Xue Yang said, "you literally broke me when you said that you didn't feel anything."
    "I only did that to see how you would react," Xingchen said.
    "If you want to know something ask don't just do something you don't know the ending to," Xue Yang said, "and really you decided to have sex with her to distract yourself?"
    "I didn't have any other choice! She was there and said she could help distract me so I said yes!" Xingchen said.
    "Then how did I survive without a distraction? Huh? How did I do perfectly fine on my own?" Xue Yang asked and shook his head, "Forget it, I'm leaving and you're staying here in case your mother comes in. And don't even think about talking to me."
    "Fine, then don't you dare even get near me," Xingchen said.
     "Fine," Xue Yang said and walked out the door.
    Xue Yang went to the forest behind the castle and met Wen Qing, "Hey! Over here!" He whisper yelled.
    The woman turned around and smiled, "There you are," she said walking up to him, "what took you so long?"
     "Xingchen held me up, we argued again," Xue Yang sighed sadly, "I hope that the plan works."
    "What plan?" Wen Qing asked curiously.
    "Oh I forgot to tell you, I'm crashing the wedding," Xue Yang said a smile plastered on his face.
     "You are?" Wen Qing raised an eyebrow, "Won't they kill you or something?"
"No, they always ask if someone has anything to say and to say it or forever remain silent. I'll just say that I love him and that I know he loves him and that he doesn't love her," Xue Yang said smirking.
Wen Qing nodded, "That's actually really smart," she said.
"I know, also shouldn't you be going back?" Xue Yang asked tilting his head.
"Xue Yang!" A voice came from behind the man, Wen Qing jumped behind a bush at the sound and hid.
Xue Yang turned around and saw Xingchen, "Lord have mercy," he muttered, then called back, "what are you doing here?"
Xingchen ran up to him, "I wanted to know where you were going, and also Mama found me in your room."
"She what? How? When?" Xue Yang asked.
"A while after you left she knocked on the door and when I didn't answer she threatened to get the guards to kick it down. So I opened it, also who were you talking with?" Xingchen asked looking around.
"Uh nobody," Xue Yang said glancing at the bushes.
Xingchen caught his glance and looked at the bushes where he saw a bit of red, he walked over and moved the bushes revealing Wen Qing. He turned back to Xue Yang, "Nobody huh?"
Wen Qing took out a needle but was interrupted by Xue Yang, "Wait! Don't do it, he won't say anything! He's Xingchen!"
The woman put the needle away and nodded, "So you're Xingchen," she lifted a hand and slapped the man, "fuck you for hurting my baby."
Xingchen held the burning mark and nodded, "I'm sorry, but he hurt me too!"
"It was because you hurt me first! Now go, I need to go with her," Xue Yang said and walked away with Wen Qing only to be followed by Xingchen.
"No matter how much I hate you now, I have to come with you because I'm lost," Xingchen mumbled.
Xue Yang felt a sting in his heart and winced, "Sure, you can come then."
"Great, now where are we going?" Xingchen asked.
"Boss probably needs her and I'm just making sure she gets there safely," Xue Yang replied.
Xingchen nodded, "Alright."

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