Chapter 6- Flower Language

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   Xingchen stood outside under the sun and sighed, he smiled softly and went to the garden where he met Jiang Yanglj, "Princess Yanli," he said.
    "Oh! Prince Xingchen," the young woman bowed, "a pleasure meeting you here. Do you need anything?"
"I was just taking a walk, what about you? What are you doing outside?" Xingchen asked.
"I was just looking at the flowers, they're beautiful by the way. I have a cousin who loves flowers, her name is Mingmei, she is a wonderful young lady. I'm sure you'd like her," Yanli said.
"I'm sure I would, she sounds like a sweet and gentle person," Xingchen said smiling.
"She is," Yanli said, "but I should leave now. My brothers might end up fighting and breaking a leg if I leave them alone."
Xingchen chuckled, "Of course, brothers are always like that. It was nice talking to you Princess Yanli," he bowed to the young woman and she walked away. Xingchen walked to the garden and sat down on the bench, he picked a small white flower and admired it.
He always loved flowers, they were beautiful and delicate. He smelled the flower and smiled at the sweet scent, he heard footsteps and turned around, "Oh Xue Yang, there you are. Do you need something?"
"Song Lan said that it was my turn to look after you," the man said stepping carefully, trying not to step on the flowers.
"Oh ok, well come sit down," Xingchen patted the seat next to him. Xue Yang sat down and looked at the flower Xingchen was holding.
"Are those your favorite flowers?" He asked.
"Yeah, too bad I don't know the name of it," Xingchen said sadly.
"I do, it's a white carnation," Xue Yang said, "I learned a lot of things during missions. One of them was types of plants and herbs and how to use them incase of an emergency."
"Really? That's so cool!" Xingchen said like a little child, "What's that one?"
"That one's called lantana," Xue Yang said, "and I also know what a few of them symbolize, for example, the white carnations symbolize pure love and good luck. The light red ones represent admiration, and the dark red ones represent deep love and affection."
"Well then, here," Xingchen gave the flower to Xue Yang and put it in the chest pocked of the man's uniform.
Xue Yang looked down at the flower and smiled, he picked a few of roses and carnations of all colors. He began to weave them together and soon enough a crown began to form. He finished the flower crown and placed it on Xingchen's head, "There, it looks pretty on you."
Xingchen turned red and he looked away shyly, "Th-thank you."
Xue Yang smiled sweetly, "No problem, I learned how to make them from a friend. He is a very gentle and shy person, but very intelligent. His sister is really mean though."
"Do I know them?" Xingchen asked.
"I think you do, but I can't say who they are," Xue Yang said.
"Alright, I don't mind. You have your reasons," Xingchen said, "do you know more about flowers?"
"Of course, I don't know much but I know enough to get by. Flowers are actually a language, did you know that? They all mean something different and when you give a certain flower to someone, it means a short message," Xue Yang said.
"Then why did you give me a lot of roses and carnations?" Xingchen asked, "What message are you trying to give me?"
"You can figure it out, you're smart after all," Xue Yang said, "now let's go, the food's probably ready now."
"Bu-" Xingchen sighed, "alright." Xue Yang nodded and stuck a hand out, Xingchen grabbed the man's hand and was pulled up. They walked together, their arms entwined, into the castle.
Song Lan was in the dinner room dusting off the table. He saw Xingchen walk in with Xue Yang and smiled, he always knew there was something up with the two, "Your majesty! Chengmei!"
"Song Lan," Xingchen said, "is the food ready?"
"Yes, please sit down," Song Lan pulled a chair and gestured for Xingchen to sit down. Xingchen let go of Xue Yang reluctantly and walked over, he sat down and Song Lan saw the flowers on the crown. "Your majesty, the crown is very beautiful."
"Thank you," Xingchen said, "I should make some shouldn't I?"
"Yes," Song Lan said. He walked away and came back with a plate of food, he sat the food down in front of Xingchen who smiled.
"Thank you Song Lan, go and get a plate too, you must be hungry," Xingchen said, "you too Chengmei."
"Thank you, your majesty," Song Lan said and walked away into the kitchen to eat.
"Chengmei, why don't you go as well?" Xingchen asked taking a bite of his food.
"I'm not hungry, watching you eat makes me full," Xue Yang said, "can I sit down though?"
"Of course! Sit down right here," Xingchen pointed at the chair next to him and Xue Yang smiled.
"Thanks princess," he teased.
Xingchen turned as red as the roses on his head, "Stop calling me that," he mumbled.
"Why? Does it make you remember about the night of the ball?" Xue Yang asked smirking. Xingchen remained silent and Xue Yang chuckled, "So it does huh? Well how about we re-live that? Does that sound nice?"
Xingchen's eyes widened, "Don't say that here!" He whispered.
"Why not? Because someone might hear us? Everyone is in the kitchen or outside, nobody will notice," Xue Yang said.
"Anyone could walk in at any moment, the maids, Song Lan, my PARENTS," Xingchen said.
"Then you have to be quiet my dear princess," Xue Yang said standing up. He walked over to Xingchen and pulled the man's arm, "Come on."
"No, we're not doing it," Xingchen said staying down, "not now. We can do it later."
"Then where's the fun in that?" Xue Yang said.
"Then I guess you have to go do it with someone else," Xingchen said.
Xue Yang scoffed, "Fine, I'll go to Song Lan or something." He walked away only to have his hand being tugged, he turned around, "What is it now?"
"You aren't really doing it with someone else are you?" Xingchen asked.
"You just told me to do it," Xue Yang said, "why are you suddenly telling me not to."
"Because I don't want you to, this is an order as prince," Xingchen said.
"Didn't I tell you before, I don't take orders from anyone," Xue Yang said walking away again.
"Fine!" Xingchen said standing up, "You can do what you want here."
"Oh really?" Xue Yang asked turning his head.
"Yes, you can even...fuck me," Xingchen said softly.
"Alright, let's start having fun then."

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