Starting Over - Chapter 3

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Starting Over - Chapter 3

[A/N- "Belle" is who I'm calling Anna now, because there were too many "A" names. Belle is a nickame for Annabelle, right? Just letting you know so you don't get confused]

I woke up the next morning with someone's hot breathe on the back of my neck. Whoa, what?

I jumped up and looked down at Alex's sleeping form that was lying diagonally across the bed. His hair was a mess, and there was a bit of drool coming out of his mouth. Oh, that's just gross! I shot a look across the room to the door, which was now wide open. I quickly glanced at the digital clock on his bedside table - it was 6:50. We had almost half an hour until we this new school would start. Bastard! I don't wake up this early. No one messes with me and my sleep.

I decided that I would wake him up, too - he didn't seem like he'd be much of a morning person either.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" I sang loudly, while jumping on top Alex. He groaned, and threw his arms over his head.

"Leave me alone, you demon!" He cried.

"Hm... I don't believe I will. How did you get in here anyways?" I asked, curious.

He didn't answer at first, so I thought he was ignoring me. Or trying to get back to sleep. Not happening! I smacked him across the face, and he sat up instantly, holding his smarting cheek. "What the hell was that for??" He called angrily. I glared at him.

"Answer me when I talk to you!" I threatened. Alex stared at me for a few more seconds before answering.

"I couldn't sleep last night, thanks to the brightness of that room. Honestly, I could have slept better in here with the light on. Well anyways, around 1 in the morning I remembered that I have a key to my room. Duh," he explained.

"Oh. True," was my brilliant response. I climbed out of his bed and walked out his room. I heard him call after me, asking me where I was going, but ignored him and walked back to "my" room. I blinked a few times, trying to adjust my eyes as I entered the room.

"Oh good god, what did I even do to Belle that she felt the need to do this to me?" I muttered to myself.

Walking to my suitcase that was now on the floor, (thanks to Alex, I'm guessing) I started pulling out clothes. Once I picked out an outfit, I walked to the en-suite bathroom and took a shower. After doing my makeup and drying my hair, I slipped on my clothes: an old loose tee-shirt, a faded pair of jeans, and flip-flops. So what if the people at this new school thought I was a mess? It'd still be better than what the kids thought of me at my old school. Besides, Dick and his "family" would probably get sick of me by the end of the week, anyways. Walking down the massive staircase, I yawned, and realized I didn't have a book-bag or any school supplies. Or a ride.

Turning into the kitchen Alex had showed me yesterday, my eyes landed on Dick making breakfast, and Mary and Belle sitting at the table. All three of them glanced up at my arrival, and Mary and Belle kept staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

Belle smirked. "Nice outfit, sis," she retorted. I rolled my eyes and took in hr outfit. Exactly what I expected: a thin tank top and short shorts with high heels. Mary raised her eyebrows at me and looked down at her cup of coffee that was untouched on the table. Sighing, I turned to Dick.

"Dick, I don't have any school supplies... Or a ride to school. Any help?" He placed the eggs he'd been making on five plates and turned to me with a small grin on his face.

"Actually, you do. You're backpack is on the couch. And- well, and, I felt terrible for not being there for you all your life, so I got you something. Come with me," He said. Guilt present? Sweet.

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