Slaughter - part 25

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The battle continues, the smoke from the archer towers clearing, giving them view of the allies. Both sides clash with a ferocity like no other, none letting up as they begin to take casualties. Even as their army begins to drop in massive numbers, Zircon and the others dont slow in their attacks, him throwing more smoke bombs before then using it in multiple different ways. Out of sight though, on the other side of a hill stands Damian, looking out into the slaughter, waiting for a moment as he reflects on the past few days.

"Even outnumbered Zircon really knows how to get the soldiers to fight evenly." Maralyne says, amazed at the sight "hes not commanding them, which is the main problem, but each soldier also isn't fighting properly, swinging wildly and with malicious tactics. They're fighting not for the kingdom, but to kill any that stand in between them." Damian says, Tesath coming up the hill towards them. "The troops are gathered and they've all grouped into one large shield phalanx." She says, panting slightly as she looks over the hill. "Good, tell them that we push after the next arrow volley, and make sure our archers are set up in the hills nearby." Tesath nods as she runs off, Lutol wearing a large set of armor as he comes into view. "Nice armor you had for me, just my size and doesnt slow my swings." Damian keeps looking over the hill, squinting at the sight as more soldiers fall due to their carelessness. "Is everything prepared with the soldiers, nobody is hesitant for this battle?" Lutol looks at Damian, and looks over the hill as well. "They're as prepared as a soldier can be, and our siege launcher is ready to give the signal at your command." Lutol says, setting his axe on his shoulder. Damian nods, and looks at Lutol finally, his eyes showing signs of hope. "Then this rage Zircon has grown to have can be put at an end, at least for the time being."

On the battlefield, Zircon continues to decimate all who stand against him, using the smoke to blind any targets he attacks, while choking others at a distance. More soldiers fall, and begin to move back due to the force and numbers of the enemy. "They're pushing us back, what do we do!?" One soldier shouts to Zircon, him pulling a knife out of a fresh corpse. "Keep fighting! We may go down, but we'll go down as warriors, as champions, as the ones who faced the dark army head on!" The soldiers keep fighting, but more and more fall as they get pushed back more and more. It's at this moment another arrow volley is fired, and another simultaneously. Zircon begins moving back with the rest of the troops as this happens, some swords going through him while others hit him in the opposite side. He throws his last smoke bomb in the air, and when it releases the smoke, he jumps into it, climbing out of the top as he jumps away from the enemies, changing into a defensive stance as more come and begin to surround him. When they fully circle him, the last hundred soldiers begin to run back to the hill, enemies following them, Zircon seeing this only for a second as the circle begins to attack him from all sides.

Before the dark army could pass over the hill, a horn is blared, everyone looking over the hill to the sound. A few seconds of silence pass until all of a sudden, arrows come from around other hills everywhere, and though some hold their shields to protect themselves, a small line of chained metal balls start flying towards the battlefield.

Everyone scrambles at this sight, some being caught in the chain and tossed around or crushed to death, others falling due to the speed of the chains. More arrows fly over them until multiple shield lines begin moving towards them, soldiers flooding from behind them into sight. Zircon sees all this, and attempts to get out of the circle of enemies, pushing past some and moving through others as he gets closer to the line. A large man in armor appears in front of the line and begins to cut down all with his axe, while Damian comes into view with his sword, gathering soldiers together and moving forward. Once he finally gets behind the phalanxes, he falls, panting and looking at himself. "F-Fuck...they got" He changes into his human form only to see many cuts and stabs on multiple parts of him, pulling out a clean knife to look at his reflection. Just as he looks at himself, his vision begins to blur, and he nearly falls on himself, realizing how much blood he likely lost. Before he passes out, he looks around, seeing a person with a spear walking towards him through his blurred vision. Sighing to himself, he tries to look up at them, saying with shaky breath before passing out, "D-Didn't expect you'd be save me again..."

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