Chapter Three: Unexpected Addition

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The world used to be a wondrous place many centuries ago. That was filled with daemons, witches, and vampires, now in the twenty-first century, they are but gone. Overtaken by humans who don't realise that we live among them. -Pippa Procter

One of the things about Matthew, he allows self-development, whether that is himself or others. As I lay into his arms, crying into his probably expensive shirt. I felt safer in those moments than I have in a long time. The congregation always had a looming presence over my life. I had ever thought we should have a fair government system for all creatures, but that never happens.

For as long as I could keep myself in his arms. I was swaying in a sort of dance in the company of each other. I had calmed down a bit as it dawns on me. I was going to be a mother. This made me think of my mother; she was a powerful elemental witch. She always told me that I had a more extraordinary design than I could ever imagine, and I suppose that she is correct—a child by magical means with quite a few uncertainties for both the child and myself.

Looking up into his eyes, I saw concern, worry, curiosity, and maybe admiration. When we broke apart the feeling in my chest, I couldn't describe it.

And I didn't want to describe it. Though one day I will have to address it, it won't be tomorrow or the next day, but I will one day in the future. Maybe somewhere in my heart or soul, this was something new, and Matthew will be a big part of it.

I sit back down on the chair as I keep my eyes locked with his. I struggle to find the words to ask my question. "If this child is of the magical mean, will they be female?" I ask with some uncertain tone in my voice; this puzzled Matthew. He took a few moments to answer, "Perhaps... Will we have to find out? As long as it's okay with you, Phillippa. It is just that this has never happened before. And if you allow, I would like to monitor your condition." I could see his curiosity and awe sparkling within his dark eyes. "I will like that. will your team be able to cope with this?" "They should be as you have already met both of them." My cheeks flushed as I realised what he had meant.

I fiddle with my hands; it was a nervous habit since I was young. It always happened when I was anxious about things. This was one of those times. "Matthew, is it at all possible to do a paternity test on the child? And compare it with your blood. I know this is a shot in the dark" "May I ask why my blood?" The paint on my nails suddenly became interesting. I pick at the left bits of paint on them; hands cover them. I didn't want to answer; it was an extreme shot in the dark. Matthew was the only male creature I had met or sense on my way out of Bodleian. "Your the only male creature that I have had contact with. " I whisper with a low tone of voice, but with his enhanced hearing, most likely, he could hear it.

I hear him take a sharp breath in as he takes in my answer. He ponders it for a while. I keep my eyes cast down slightly win a mix between shame and embarrassment. He turns to me, " Phillippa, I will test your theory, and I can see your logic for it, but for now, you need rest and go home" He speaks softly and logically. I stand up and walk to get my bag and other things. "I've left my bike locked little ways down the street. I'll come back for it tomorrow." I say to him as I pick up my things. He nods his head as he gets his things. We leave the lab shortly after. I was tidying away the mess from this afternoon.

The drive back to the apartment was quiet as we both had things to say but didn't know how the other would react. I felt the total weight of tiredness when the car full stops. I felt my eyes droop with heaviness. I closed my eyes for a moment. It felt like an hour but was only for a few minutes. Matthew opens the door and gently shook my shoulder, but that was enough to awaken me.

I gasp awake as I place my hand on my face as I stretch, reading myself to get out of the car. I lock eyes with Matthew as he offers his hand to me for help to get out of the car. Taking it going from Matthew's warm car and into the cold air of Oxford. I am wrapping my arms around myself tightly, trying to the chill off me. While this was going on inside my head, Matthew had locked his car in that span of time and began to walk us to the gate of the building.

He stops just outside of the gates. Turning to look at him, giving him a small tired smile, "Thank you for taking me home. Shall I see you later today?" He keeps eye contact with me as a gust of wind follows past me. "No more than the afternoon. See to it that you get enough sleep" The last part was strained as I realise that my scent was taunting his self-control.

Removing my hand from his grasp as I take a few steps back from him. Though this seemed to snap him back into sense a bit, "I apologise. Pippa. I'll speak with you later on, alright" Matthew speaks lowly to me. As though he feared losing control would scare me. In actuality, I was more scared of him than myself.

He gives me one last look over before turning to walk to his car. Watching as he left, I felt that feeling in my chest again. I now know it was longing. Longing for him. I stare as I see him drive down the street.

I turn to walk to the apartment for some much-needed rest. When I get in, I place my things down as I hear Diana toss and turn in bed—putting some music softly in the background to help her rest more comfortable.

I go into my room, and I collapse into bed after taking my shoes off. I then slowly close my eyes to sleep.

Word count: 1110

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