II | The Heiress

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II. The Heiress

In the throne room, I was on my knees, shocked to discover a lifeless Queen Amice. I checked her for a pulse, even for a faint one. Then, I studied her breathing. None.

She was a shell whose soul had been taken.

I yelled. The helpless cadence of my voice reverberated through the hall, hoping it would stagger to the dining room. "Help!"

A gaze of disbelief fell upon the reposed Queen Amice who was cradled in my arms. I tilted my head up and saw a man in his 50s, standing six-foot-two, approach Her Majesty. "Oh my goodness. My lady, what is going on?" He quivered, lowering himself to scrutinize the Queen.

I explained from my point of view. "Her Majesty excused herself from dinner. It had been twenty minutes since. I began to worry, therefore I looked for her and found..." I gestured at the cadaver, whose life had bled away.

"Did you check her pulse?"

"I did. She doesn't have any..."

The man spoke, attempting to lift a miserable tone from his lips. "My lady, you may go now. I shall take care of Her Majesty."

There was a theory sprouting in my head. I believed that the Queen had been poisoned, and that the venom had come from the wine she drank. "Please be alive," I crossed my fingers despite the fact that the Queen had possibly completely drifted from the world.

I was on the verge of abandoning the throne room when the Heads of House, and Princess Salome crossed the room with worry etched to their faces.

"What's going on here?" Princess Salome inquired. When she witnessed her sister, she rushed to her immediately. "Sister?" She jerked her head up to level her teary gaze at the man. "Sir Quint? Is she going to be alright?"

Sir Quint tried to disguise sadness with a reassuring expression on his face. But he failed, seeing the agitated Princess. "Her Majesty will be examined. We'll bring her to the apothecary."

"Inform security for a perimeter check," Princess Salome ordered.

I spun around and came face-to-face with Lord Adrian. "My Lord," I greeted. "I must go." I walked past him briskly, and wanted to slap myself for sounding suspicious.

He wanted to say something. "My lady-"

When I returned to the dining room, it was bereft of presence. I looked around for any spy, before grasping the stem of the chalice. I recalled a vial in the room I had been earlier. What I required was stealth. From one room to another, I slithered until I somehow managed to bring myself to the kitchen.

The subtle glint of the vial lured my eyes to it. I took off the lid of the chalice then carefully transferred the remnant of grape wine (which I thought must be poisoned). Afterwards, I secured the vial before shoving it down the valley of my breast.

I knew where I was headed next.

* * *

The carriage rolled into a secluded region of Helmburn, away from Town Square. I was not always confined within the walls of the manor. In fact, I travelled outside sometimes, especially when Aunt Genevieve would rip a book out of my grip.

The destination I was going for, was one of the places I had been in when I was younger. Hopefully, it was still there.

I peered through the window, and observed a glowing shape near itself. It was a quaint cottage nestled by the woods. A chimney protruded from the roof billowing out dark curling mists like cigarette smoke.

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