XV | The Monarch

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XV. The Monarch

For a coronation of mine, I envisaged the dissonant chords of whistles, and acclaims. Only then when I trod past the gates, I was deluged with a massive squirming ocean of nobles, and civillians.

I gawked at the surprise. It was bigger and better than I had anticipated, watching the joy leap over them in a ripple.

There was a larger-than-life parade float in the guise of a black jaguar with its paws rested forward. Before long, I mounted the ride along with Adrian, Rosalie, and my mother. We sailed through the kingdom, hearkening to the euphoric and homely solace of cheers.

"This feels nice..." Rosalie described it, but despite the bliss surrounding us, it was not enough to cure her scarred heart. I pulled her close to me, knowing that she was mourning quietly. She did not wish to display it to everyone because it would douse the bright mood, according to her.

"I'll be there with you as you heal. We'll heal together," I vowed to her, and that made her lips quirk to a small smile.

"You're always there for me, Ara. I'm grateful to have a cousin like you. Perhaps I shall begin calling you sister," she teased, bumping her shoulder against mine.

I tittered, my shoulders faintly bouncing. "We already are, even when we are cousins. I will always see you as a sister to me." My face eased, touched by the ember kiss of the sun. "Every moment in life, we'll have each other's backs."

"We will have each other," Rosalie replied firmly, resolution clutching her.

The parade float had cruised through Town Square, drifting past windows where children popped out to hurl harlequin petals that captured my gaze.

"We love you, your majesty!" Their songs of adoration sprang out from their higher leveled rooms.

I waved at them and flashed a bright grin.

Adrian draped an arm around my shoulder. Our close distance  made the contact unbearable, giving rise to flaming desires, and the searing warmth between us.

When he spoke, his voice was low, sending tingles racing through every part of my body. It was pleasant... but I was kept captivated with an anticipation that he'd say that name in a different occasion. "Ara, you've sparked quite the crowd."

"What can I say? I am overwhelmed by all of this," I told him, and swept my gaze around before returning it to him.

He had a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, his tone denotive. "How about I give you a personal massage later... in your brand new bedchamber? To ease you up from the adrenaline." He smirked, "I'd be happy to serve you, my queen." His warm breath glided across my exposed skin, and I restrained a sound of pleasure.

During the remainder of the parade, Adrian's muscular build guided me in place as I generously shredded my attention to every side where praises came forth.

Eventually, the parade descended to a festival among the civillians of Helmburn where they had prepared tables lined with enticing cuisines.

I had not succumbed to eating yet as I had to hand out meals to a waiting line.

Mother emerged, and gave an offer. "I'll take care of this. You go enjoy the food." She smiled warmly.

"Thank you, mother. I'll make sure to have a seat reserved for you," I said before she took over.

I watched as she provided the civillians with lunch. She diffused the energy that filled her body to the brim.

Minutes after a splendid repast, the children moved to the front to dance to music. People around them clapped, and swayed.

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