III | Halls With Echoes

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III. Halls With Echoes

It was a peaceful morning disrupted when Rosalie announced that Governor Philipps wanted me to join the meeting with him, along with the other Heads of Houses. A thought weighed heavily on my mind.

Did I have to go?

"Please don't refuse this invitation. This is an opportunity to rise among the nobles and ensure your own reputation," said Rosalie.

I pondered my decision, before telling Rosalie.

* * *

The Hall of Parliament stood tall in front of us. Our arrival had preceded the expected time, making Rosalie and I prompt for the conference. Scant thoughts of the unfolding future stormed my head. Little had I known what was in store for me.

Ascending slabs climbed up, awaiting the touch of our heels.

I decided that I'd dress up in a more comfortable gown with thinner layers that still veiled my skin. The brown tanned sleeve caught up to my elbow. Brown, it often reminded me of book covers, a sense of home whenever I was out. This was plain. No bracelet on my wrist, or a glimmering gem laced around my neck.

It wasn't long until we made our way to the round table. Unlike the tables in the castle which were long rectangular ones, the tables in this hall were round. There were vacant seats, and some occupied by faces I had presumably seen.

"Good day to you wonderful ladies of House Ausleya," A gentleman tipped his sepia colored fedora hat.

The response I could muster was a smile, and a nod, and I did it as politely as I could.

"Sir Carlos Burke, fancy meeting you here. I'll have you know that I brought Lady Arabelle, my cousin." Rosalie introduced me. She transferred her gaze upon me, as if a cue to start a conversation.

Even wider than the one before, a bigger smile reached across the sides of my face. Then I sundered the touch of my lips from one another to unchain words. "I am pleased to meet you, Sir Carlos."

He grinned, then whistled at a woman beside him, who was lithely austere and composed. Though when she spoke, her tone raised dichotomy. She sounded rather delighted to have me. "Lady Deanne Lamarkshire, and I daresay you're an appealing arrival within the world of court." Her raspy timbre rang through with a lush accent.

"Heavy it is in the air is the singsong music from your lips. Why not attempt living a life of theatrics? You can begin gracing the Opera House," A voice resonated, taking our attention. Lord Jake sauntered in with open arms. "We'd support the decision to do so."

"My wonderful wife would pour out a heartfelt lullaby," Lord Francis stated with a smile in his tone.

"Oh please, flattery won't get you anywhere," Lady Deanne commented toward Lord Jake, then responded to Lady Francis. "Your wife's vocal is the epitome of symphony."

Sir Carlos cackled. "The irony." He began wheezing, his sound reduced to squeals. He banged a fist against the table, and leaned lower until he was on the floor, still erupting laughter.

So much for ettiquetes.

"Speaking of the Opera House, the manager, Desiree, says there was a break-in. One of their set costumes were stolen, and a few props," the solemn noise of a Governor hovered over.

Sir Carlos immediately fixed himself, and straightened his posture with a clear of his throat. Next to him, Lady Deanne rolled her eyes with a half-smile.

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