VI | Hunting Grounds

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VI. Hunting Grounds

There was a line between danger, and seduction. Lord Jake Partridge had fallen within the danger zone. He was a rival. Why would I trust his words?

"If you truly care about me, then I'll have you know that I don't. We will never be anything else, outside the competition, or inside," I snapped at him. My face contorted to a withering scowl.

Lord Jake replied calmly, "Someday, you'll soften up, and realize that I am the man you need."

"You are disgusting. Foul, fool."

We were interrupted with the sound of sussurating grass underfoot. We turned our heads to see Lord Francis make his way toward us with an enthusiastic smile, yet maintained a professional aura around him.

Lord Jake greeted him, as if nothing had happened between us. Then, Lord Francis turned to me, expecting a polite greeting. Fortunately, I didn't act hostile because of the lingering anger toward Lord Jake.

"I sense that there'll be great bond between the three of us. Oh, I must add that Sir Quint will be joining us for assessment," Lord Francis informed, and cued the right-hand to step into view.

"Good morning, candidates. I hope you two have rested well because we have a long day ahead of us," said Sir Quint.

"A whole day of fun, of course. I am rather thrilled to have visitors lurking my forest," Lord Francis smiled, his timbre rumbling through my ears.

Remembering what Rosalie told me, I spoke up. "Do you and your family walk the woods when you have spare time with them?"

He made a sound, which was not of annoyance, but amusement. "Yes. Especially when I'd like to treat my wife, and twins to a humble family picnic. Nothing fancy, just the time with them, which cannot be borrowed, or taken back."

"That sounds sweet. It truly does." I flashed a smile at him. "Family is one reason we keep on living."

"Ain't that the truth?" There was a hint of approval in Lord Francis.

Sensing that I had gained an edge as of the moment, Lord Jake threw himself in, chattering about random topics. Although, Lord Francis sometimes ignored him throughout the woodlands trip.

We neared the fence which bordered the forest, and the wild life. I knew that once I had taken a step past the threshold, I was plunging myself in peril.

Beginning his explanation, Lord Francis pulled out his crossbow. "My vote belongs to one of you, who is going to hunt down a predator lurking these woods. If you bring the head back to me, you will most likely win."

"What exactly is the purpose of this?" I asked.

"To have fun. We are nobles with the wealth, and luxury to afford entertainment. Let's not waste our time with dull initiatives," Lord Jake chimed in. "Time cannot be borrowed, or stolen." I peered through his words, knowing that he was trying to impress Lord Francis.

"A successful hunter has patience, confidence, and keen observation. Same could be said for a monarch." Lord Francis elaborated. "When you rule the kingdom, you will shoulder responsibilities that require confidence. You must wisely observe how you can assess the well-being of the kingdom, as well as be patient with how you act on situations."

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