Chapter 1 - Pie In The Sky

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The wheels of the chariot came to a halt as the young prince took in the city that is decked as a bride. Colorful and intricate rangoli adorned the streets with exquisitely arranged diyas adding a golden glow to them. The porches of all the houses decorated with elegant flowers woven in various shapes and sizes. The prince could hear the excited murmurs and electrified buzz of the people rushing around trying to make everything perfect for their arrival. Waves of nervousness with a tinge of excitement built up inside him as he acknowledged his situation. His eyes stung as beads of relief and happiness pushed against his eyes trying to force their way down his cheek. A cocktail of emotions washed over him as he realized that he finally caught the pie in the sky.

A couple of traitorous tears escaped their hold as his years of wait came to an end. A firm yet gentle hand on his shoulder pulled him out of his thoughts. He looked up to see his father passing an encouraging smile to him. Catching the drift of his emotions, his father said, "BABHRUVAHANA, son, Hastinapur is waiting for you. Shall we go?" Taking his silence as acceptance, the third son of Pandu - Arjun, signaled the group to proceed. As the prince of Manipur entered the city, expectant faces of the citizens followed him. He sent a charming smile to the kids who are jumping to get a good look at the prince.

Years of habit forced him to check for his mothers' palanquin. When satisfaction of their safety cocooned his heart, he turned around only to be met with a breathtaking view. Words failed him as he gazed at the palace in admiration. Countless diyas gave the palace a golden glow making it seem as if the walls are made of sheets of gold. For a moment Babhruvahana was convinced that they are. Fountains of various shapes gave the gardens a heavenly look. The lotuses surrounding the fountains gave the water a pinkish hue.

The look of awe on his son's face seeing his brother's work, filled Arjun with pride. However, a burst of dejection did not let the pride last long. Guilt ate at him as he realized that this is the first time his son is meeting his family. Descending his chariot, Babhruvahana moved towards his mothers' palanquins. He did not know if this is an attempt to help his mothers or postpone the following events.

The walk from the palanquin to his awaiting family felt like one of his longest walks. All the nights he cried to himself as a child waiting for his father and his uncles whom he heard praises of, all the tantrums he threw to distract himself from the pain, flashed before his eyes as he neared his uncles and elder mother Draupadi. This is it. This is what you have been waiting for your whole life his mind reminded him. Taking a deep breath, he climbs the final stairs that led him to his family.

The newly crowned king of Hastinapur, Panduputr Yudhishtir, wrapped up another session at the court and made his way to his study along with his queen

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The newly crowned king of Hastinapur, Panduputr Yudhishtir, wrapped up another session at the court and made his way to his study along with his queen. A sense of dread lingered in the back of his heart effectively dampening the mood of the ever-calm king. Noticing the change his mood, Draupadi inquired the reason for his apprehension. "My love, I have this nagging feeling that some harm has befallen my Arjun and Vrishaketu." answered Dharmaraj. Draupadi answered, "My king, I am sure they are fine. Arya Arjun is an able warrior and can defend himself and Vrishaketu very well."

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