Chapter 4 - Invaluable Bond

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"Father, Who is Brihannala?"

"B..Brihannala?" stutters Arjun turning a deep shade of red. "Brihannala is my dance teacher." answers Uttara. Arjun sends a grateful look to Uttara for saving him but pales as Uttara continues, "She is the most beautiful woman I've seen till now Bhrata. Father is very close to her." "Is it so? I've been hearing a lot of her praises. I really want to meet her father. Can you please call her here?" asks Babhruvahana curious on what the fuss is about not realizing that he is looking at the same person he wishes to meet. Sensing his grandfather's discomfort, Parikshit comes to his rescue letting out a wail and reaching for the great archer. Glaring at his daughter and mumbling about dealing with Nakul later, Arjun rushes to his grandson and caresses him whispering, "That's like a good boy. I will treat you for saving me. Stay away from grandpa Nakul before he manages to spoil you too."

The occupants of the room chuckle at the flustered Gandhivdhari leaving the room with his protegee. Sharing amused smiles, they exit the room leaving poor Babhruvahana more confused than ever. He couldn't bring himself to understand who could have been the lady that got his father, the great Dhanurdhari Arjun, all flustered and reduced to stutters. He calls out to his siblings "Will someone tell me who is Brihannala?" Another round of laughter is heard from the hall, amplifying the young king's frustration. He huffs knowing exactly whom to approach to extract information.


Colorful insects fly around trying to decide which flower to collect nectar from. Clouds hover low as they try to linger a few seconds longer to witness the arrangement of various flowers in delicate yet intricate labyrinths. Soft fingers brush through the red flowers surrounding a fountain as a fond smile plays on the lips of the owner. Her deep onyx eyes glimmer with happiness as her mind pulls her to one of her farthest yet fondest memories. The little legs of her toddler running around stumbling in excitement as he observes the beautifully designed garden that looks like a painting. Poking each flower and feeling it's texture, inhaling it's unique aroma and giggling when he takes a liking to a particular aroma.

A touch on her shoulder reels her back from the memories to the present. Caressing the flower, she retraces her finger as the flower springs back to its stem. Slowly tracing her eyes to the strong arm on her shoulder all the way upto his eyes, the queen mother of Manipur, Chitrangada gets lost in the eyes of her husband. The deep eyes that are always filled with emotion, waiting for his loved ones to read it. They waver as they stare back at her, a thin sheet of precious beads forming in them. Her hands involuntarily reach his eyes as they slightly press under the eye lids wiping the tears before they even left the eyelids.

This action of hers only catalyze the tears as they return with double the force. Chitra however does not accept defeat and cups his face wiping his tears with her thumb and shakes her head warning him not to try it again. "You got pulled into our son's childhood memory weren't you?" asks Arjun. Chitra casts her eyes down neither able to bear his forlorn face nor lie to him. Receiving his answer, Arjun sucks in a sharp breath. A long moment later, he lets out in a strained voice, "In a twisted way, I am glad that I was not in contact with Babhru. At least it kept him safe and away from the war. I wish I can say the same for Iravan."

The mention of Iravan brought tears to the mother's eyes. The glee filled shrieks and giggles of the lively child as she played and chased him around still rung in her ears. How she wished she could see him again and tell him just how much she loved him. Diverting herself, she says, "You should meet Uloopi jiji. It has been five days since we came here. She might not seem like it but she too craves for your love." "How do I face her? I have been absent for the whole of Iravan's life and yet the boy gave his life for us Kurus. I am unable to forgive myself. How can I expect her to forgive me?" asks Arjun with tears rolling down his face.

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