Chapter 9 - Strings Of Love

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Precap - "Maharaj Babhruvahana! Rajmata Chitrangada wishes to meet you in her chambers"


He didn't realize that love as powerful as your mother's for you, leaves its own mark

       - J. K. Rowling

"Rajkumar! Princess Chitrangada wishes to meet you in her chambers"

Little Babhruvahana turns around hearing the helper's voice. Nodding at her, he strides to his mother's chambers eager to share his latest achievements with her, not knowing about the storm awaiting him. As the chamber's doors open to let him inside, he barges in shouting as he did the other days.

"Maa! Did you know what happened today? I finally defeated Bhrata Iru in the archery contest. Phew. I have been wanting to do that for so long. All -"

However, the prince's words fall short as he notices that his mother did not greet him with the usual cheerful face neither did she applaud his achievement. His face drops as he cautiously approaches his despondent mother and raises a hesitant hand to hold hers.

"Maa? Are you okay? What happened?"

Chitrangada sighs listening to her son's question. She wonders how she could share the news with her eight year old and spoil his vibrant mood. The mother in her implores her to forego the news and listen to what her son has to say but her mind warns her that she has hidden it from him long enough.

Her mind also warns her about the consequences that might occur if the child heard the news from someone else. Deciding to pay heed to her mind, she holds her son's hand and gains his undivided attention before saying,

"Babhru, dear, whatever I am about to tell you now, please listen with a calm mind." She takes in a deep breath before continuing, "Dear, You have been asking me why you have not received any replies from Indraprasth right? The reason is, your father is no longer in Indraprasth. He is currently living in a forest. He could not reply since he did not receive your letters."

A confused look takes over the young prince as his mind does not wrap around the part that his father, a prince, is living in a forest all of a sudden. He voices his doubts.

"Forest maa? But why? He is a prince of Indraprasth right? Why did he leave his kingdom?"

The princess of Manipur replies, "Babhru, your father and uncles went to Hastinapur for a game of dice with their cousins. They lost the game and were asked to stay in forests for a while."

A variety of emotions flash across the child's face ranging from sadness to hope. With a voice laced with hope, he asks, "Maa? Which forest are they in? Can we address the letters to the forest?" He gasps excitedly as an idea generates in his little brain, "Maa, we are surrounded by forests. Can we ask father to live close by? Maybe we can meet him then."

Tears brim the eyes of the mother as she takes in the expectant face of her child. Words get stuck in her throat refusing to be uttered and effectively crush the prince's heart. She almost melts at the look and considers asking the same of her husband. The princess in her, however, serves as an ugly reminder of the need for prince Arjun to observe a life of austerity and gain the knowledge of divine weapons.  Heaving a heavy sigh, she answers, already dreading her son's reaction.

"Son, we cannot send letters to your father since he will soon leave in search of some answers and knowledge that he needs. We cannot disturb him right? But don't worry. We can contact him when he returns from the forest. It's only a few years. You will not realize when they passed by."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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