The Pain

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God it hurts
The throbbing in my joints
The ringing in my head
The constant dread
I've learned to live with this

I've grown used to the pain
I've grown used to the set backs
They always seem to get in the way

They tell me to say something
But I don't want to
They te me to get help
But the help doesn't work

I hate the attention the pain brings
I hate people worrying about me
People have worry about me enough
So I'll suck it up

I'll lie through my teeth
I'll hide the pain
I'll convince them I'm fine
I'll pretend the pain isn't that bad
I'll stop their worries

And when I'm alone
I'll let the pain come
When the pills don't work
I'll let it beat me down
Because as long as they think I'm fine
I'm fine

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