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        He is so tired. So very tired.

And not just from his last kill that put up one hell of a fight, no, Toby Rogers found himself growing utterly tired of the concept of living.

It's been years since the incident and he couldn't even remember his own past.
With no image of his family... or anyone to talk to if you exclude taunting his victims for a sadistic sort of enjoyment... Toby was bored.

Why is he continuing to live anyways?

Everyday was the same repetitive thing, a never ending cycle like replaying the same episode from a show over and over until you finally memorize the whole entire script.

He had no reason to keep on continuing, who knew being an arsonist serial killer would get so... bland?
The more he became desensitized to the gore the euphoric high he got from watching the life being sucked out of his victims eyes seemed... the more all of it falter.

His one and only drug became so numb.
Uncomfortably numb.

Nonetheless he persisted, dragging on the days like taking out the garbage.
Following the same strict routine.

Oh he knew this part well.

This was his favourite part.

In his so called routine Toby found himself curled up in a booth at the local McDonald's.
Yes, not really the best but they usually kept the place open long enough for the homeless to get their basic needs.

He has played the role well, long enough to give him some time to just stare out at the night sky beyond the window and replay the sounds of his victims screams in his mind over and over like a drunken lullaby made just for him.   

"Uh... sir?"
The lullaby comes to an abrupt halt, overthrown by the sound of a voice that was not anywhere near familiar.
The male sharply turns his head to face the speaker, a loud pop in his shoulder erupting and prompting Toby to further slouch against the window.
His eyes land on a girl behind the counter, casually leaning against it as she scratches at a random marking in the furniture.
She looked like any other basic worker here.
If that was the case and she wasn't homeless... why would she be here?

It's pitch black outside and the poor chick is all alone.

Easier to kill off.

The girl slowly forms into a deer through Toby's visions, so fragile and vulnerable.
Toby could rip her neck off right there and then without even so much as a shriek coming out.

The vision pops and instead of a deer in a McDonald's uniform the girl is back, eyes glued right on Toby as she waits patiently for a response.

What is he supposed to say???

How is he supposed to react??

Don't just stare you moron say something to the woman!

Up In Flames (Yandere Ticci Toby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now