Destiny Islands: A Normal Day

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(Keyblade above is Kate's keyblade, it's called "Crystal of the Worlds")

a giant monster appeared from the darkness, a young girl with a key-shaped weapon, began to fight, however, the monster sent out other versions of monsters and the young girl couldn't fight them all, soon enough the monsters swarmed around her as her vision faded to black.

(Dream Over)

a young girl shot up out of bed, it was daylight and the bed across the room was empty, getting up out of bed, the door swung open as a red-headed girl walked into the room

"Kate, finally you're up", the girl teased, "you haven't forgotten about today already, have you",

"no I haven't Kairi", Kate said as she began to get dressed for the day

"you alright", Kairi asked

"yeah, just a nightmare, I'll be fine", Kate responded as she finished up getting dressed and the two sisters walked out of their house and over towards the docks, as they arrived, the sisters only saw two boats there, their boats.

"looks like Sora and Riku are already there", Kairi stated as she hopped into her boat.

"well then, let's not keep them waiting", Kate said as she hopped into her boat and both began rowing towards the island, the island appeared and many kids wanted to explore it, but the adults said no at first, after exploring the island, it was deemed safe and kids were allowed to go, as Kairi and Kate entered the dock they noticed a sleeping friend on the beach, and soon approached him.

"hey Sora", Kairi called out as Sora opened his eyes then jumped to see Kairi and Kate standing above him

"caught you snoozing", Kate teased

"I wasn't snoozing", Sora mumbled

"I guess I'm left with the rest of the work then", a voice called out, everyone turned their heads to see their friend Riku.

"the raft's almost done, all we need is supplies then we'll be out finding new worlds", Kairi stated

"will we find another world out there", Sora asked

"there has to be, I mean, Kairi and Kate appeared here so they're has to be", Riku explained, "besides, when we're out there, we can hopefully figure out where they came from",

"hey guys look what I made", Kairi said as she held out a charm, "a Thalassa charm, sailors would have them for safe voyage, I thought that if I made one, we'd always make it back here safe and sound",

"then we have nothing to worry about", Kate stated, "we're all gonna see the world together",

"yeah, but first, let's finish up", Riku said as everyone nodded their heads and scattered around, finding food, water, and other necessities for their voyage, as the sun began to set, the four were done.

"alright, by the looks of it, we should be able to set sail tomorrow", Kairi said

just make sure that you guys are ready and here before the others arrive", Riku stated

"I wonder what world we're gonna see first", Kate said

"and how many worlds are out there as well", Sora asked

"well then, we'll find out tomorrow, let's all go back for the night", Kairi stated as everyone began to walk back towards the docks.

"be ready and here by tomorrow morning or we're leaving without you", Riku stated as the four began rowing their boats back to the mainland and all returned home, little did the four know that tonight would change their lives, forever.

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