Destiny Islands: Invasion

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the sun had set and everyone was inside for the night, not long after, storm clouds could be seen and a rumbling noise could be heard.

"sis, it looks like it's gonna storm", Kate stated as Kairi looked out the window

"we gotta get to the Island and cover the raft", Kairi said as Kate nodded her head, the sisters then snuck out of their house and began running towards the docks, once there, they quickly hopped on their boats and rowed towards the Island, once there as well, they ran off the dock only for black monsters with yellow eyes to appear, with nothing in hand the two sisters ran towards a secret cave entrance.

"Kairi, Kate", a voice called out in concern as the two turned their heads to see Sora

"So-ra", Kairi mumbled

"Kairi, are you alright", Kate asked in concern as then a huge gust of wind made the two sisters fly forward, Kairi disappearing before she landed

"Kairi", Kate called out, panic in her voice as the darkness began closing in on both Sora and Kate

"don't be afraid"

"that voice again", Sora muttered

"wait... you heard it too", Kate asked as Sora nodded his head

"you hold the mightiest weapon of all"

light emitted from both Sora and Kate's hands as a key-shaped weapon appeared.

"I've seen this before... in a dream", Kate mumbled to herself

"the Keyblade, the power that sleeps within you"

 Sora and Kate looked at their Keyblades, Sora's had a yellow handle and a strange yet familiar keychain as Kate's had a silver and white handle and an unfamiliar keychain, soon after, an earthquake hit as a giant monster appeared

"have you seen this guy as well", Sora asked

"in a dream, yes, although it was more of a nightmare", Kate responded

"think we can take it down", Sora asked

"not sure... but it's worth a try", Kate stated as the two began fighting the giant creature, the giant creature summoning small creatures as well

"this is just like my nightmare... but I won't let them get me", Kate thought as she swung her Keyblade at the creatures and they disappeared, with the small creatures gone, Sora and Kate began focusing on the giant creature, landing some hit's on it's hands, the giant creature sending out attacks that both Sora and Kate dodged, soon after, the giant creature sent out more small creatures.

"we're getting nowhere at this rate, one of us has to keep attacking that thing while the other one has to fight what it's sending out at us", Kate stated

"I think I'm getting used to this Keyblade already, let me deal with the giant", Sora said, Kate nodded her head as her nightmare began playing in her head, but she shook the thought away and began fighting the small creatures as Sora kept fighting the giant creature, as Kate finished off the small creatures she then ran over towards Sora and both fought the giant creature, soon after, the giant creature fell down.

"did we defeat it", Kate asked

"I'm not sure", Sora said as then the ground began to crack, huge gusts of wind flew out, the giant creature then flew upwards, into the sky, Sora and Kate grabbed onto a piece of land, however, both their grips slipped and both were launched into the sky


"gawrsh, Donald look, a star's goin' out", Goofy said as he pointed towards the sky, Donald looked up as a star did indeed went out.

"come on, we need to find the keys", Donald stated as both Donald and Goofy began walking forward, however, Pluto, the dog, walked away from Donald and Goofy and into an alleyway where two kids, Sora and Kate were sleeping, Pluto walked up to them and licked their faces which woke them up, both jumped when they saw Pluto, Pluto then ran away and out of the alleyway as Sora and Kate both got up and ran after him, as they exited the alleyway, not only did they lose sight of Pluto, but they were also in an unfamiliar place.

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