Neverland: Reunited... Sort Of

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after being forced to land by a pirate ship, Sora and Kate walked out on the Pirate Ship, Donald and Goofy, nowhere in sight, all that was around the ship was just the ocean waters which would probably bring peace to other's, if not for the sudden quietness of the ship.

"I didn't think you two would come", Riku stated

"Riku, you're alright", Sora said 

"where are Donald and Goofy", Kate asked

"are they that important to you, more important than old friends, instead of worrying about them, you should be asking... about her", Riku stated, stepping out of the way to reveal Kairi, who seemed to be sleeping

"sis", Kate shouted, but Kairi didn't respond

"that's right, while you two were off goofing around, I finally found her", Riku stated, Sora and Kate began to run towards them only to be stopped by a pirate, with a hook for a hand.

"not so fast, no shenanigans aboard my vessel, boy", the pirate stated as heartless began to surround the two.

"Riku, why are you siding with the heartless, this isn't like you", Sora asked

"the heartless obey me now, I have nothing to fear", Riku stated

"that's stupid, they'll swallow your heart", Sora shouted

"they won't, my heart's too strong, that and I've picked up a few other tricks as well, like this, for instance", Riku said, holding out his hand, Sora's shadow rose from the ground, which surprised the two

"you can go see your friends now", Riku said as a trapdoor opened underneath the two and both fell down, their landing was cushioned by both Donald and Goofy

"we found them", Kate said

"ya don't say", Goofy said with a smile

"yeah, that was definitely Kairi, but... Riku seemed off", Sora stated

"alright then, let's go up and talk to her", Goofy said

"I agree", Kate said

"sound's great, okay, but first... how about getting off", Donald asked

"sorry Donald", Kate said as everyone got up, going towards a door, the door was locked, and heartless were crawling around the place.

"how ya doin' there, looking for a way out", a voice asked as then a boy in green flew out

"who are you", Goofy asked

"I'm the answer to your prayers", the boy said, Donald was not amused, "okay, then, fine, have it your way",

"but you're stuck in here too, aren't you", Sora asked

"no, I'm just waiting for someone", the boy said

"who", Sora asked as a bright light flew around him

"Tinker Bell, what took you so long", the boy asked, as the fairy began to talk, but only sounded like bells, "Great job, so you found Wendy... hold on, there was another girl there, too... are you crazy, there's no way I'm gonna leave Wendy there",

"aha, she must be pretty jealous", Donald said as he then began to laugh, Tinker Bell then kicked Donald's face out of anger then flew away.

"come on, Tink, open up the door", the boy asked as then he turned to everyone, "I'm Peter Pan",

"I'm Sora", Sora said

"Okay, we're in this together, but only 'til we find Wendy", Peter stated then Sora used his Keyblade to unlock the door, then everyone began climbing up the ship's hold, looking for both Kairi and Wendy, Peter flying around which seemed a bit unfair to most.

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