Wonderland: The Unfair Trial

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Sora, Kate, Donald, and Goofy left Traverse Town on their ship which both Donald and Goofy called "The Gummi Ship", after sometime flying around, a world came into view, as of Donald, the world was called Wonderland, as the ship landed, Sora began jumping up and down in excitement as everyone began leaving the ship, they began falling down, Sora, Kate, and Donald were trying to steady themselves as they fell as Goofy relaxed as he fell, soon after, Sora, Kate, and Donald landed on their feet as Goofy fell on his head.

"oh my fur and whiskers, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late", a White Rabbit said while looking at a watch and running, "oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, I'm here, I should be there, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, the queen, she'll have me head for sure",

"come on, let's follow him", Donald said as everyone began running after the rabbit and ended up in a weird room, hearing small footsteps, everyone looked down to see the White Rabbit, now small enter a door.

"how did he get so small", Sora asked as he walked towards the small door

"no, you're simply too big", the doorknob responded which made everyone jump in surprise

"it talks", Donald said as the doorknob yawned

"must you be so loud, you woke me up", the doorknob said

"good morning", Goofy greeted

"good night, I need a bit more sleep", the doorknob stated as he began to fall back asleep

"hang on, what do we have to do to grow small", Kate asked

"why don't you try the bottle over there", the doorknob said, as everyone turned around, a table and chair was now there with two bottles that had a red and a blue label on them, Sora grabbed a bottle and then drank it, soon after, everyone became small, as they walked back towards the doorknob, the doorknob was now snoring, and completely ignoring them.

"now what do we do", Kate asked as everyone looked around and noticed a small opening and crawled inside later to come across an outdoor court, a girl in a blue dress was there along with the rabbit they saw before was now there and blew a trumpet.

"court is now in session", the White Rabbit said

"I'm on trial, but why", the girl asked

"her majesty, the Queen of Hearts, presiding", the White Rabbit stated as he turned towards a woman, she was dressed in red and black and had a crown on her head.

"this girl is the culprit, there's no doubt about it", the Queen said, "and the reason is... because I say so, that's why",

"that is so unfair", the girl shouted

"well, have you anything to say in your defense", the Queen asked

"of course, I've done absolutely nothing wrong", the girl said, "you may be queen, but I'm afraid that doesn't give you the right to be so... so mean"

"silence, you dare defy me", the Queen shouted

"hey guys, we should help her out", Sora mumbled

"I agree, this trial is unfair", Kate stated

"yeah, but...", Donald said

"we're outsiders, so wouldn't that be muddling", Goofy asked

"meddling", Donald corrected

"oh yeah, and that's against the rules", Goofy stated as they continued to watch the trial

"the court finds the defendant... guilty as charged", the Queen shouted, "for the crimes of assault and attempted theft of my heart... OFF WITH HER HEAD"

"no, no, oh please", the girl pleaded as the card guards began approaching her

"hold on a minute", Kate shouted, making the card guards disperse

"who are you", the Queen asked, how dare you interfere with my court",

"excuse me, but we know who the real culprit is", Sora stated, "she's not the one you're looking for.

"that's nonsense, have you any proof", the Queen asked

"well...uh", Kate said, not able to come up with anything as the girl was thrown in a cage

"bring me evidence of Alice's innocence", the Queen ordered, "fail and It's off with all your heads"

Sora, Kate, Donald, and Goofy then left to look for proof, luckily, Alice had given them some help, help being a Cheshire Cat, soon after, they were able to find evidence and present it to the Queen, proving Alice's innocence

"there's your evidence, Alice is innocent", Kate stated as the Queen growled in anger

"silence, I'm the law here", the Queen shouted, "Article 29: anyone who defies the Queen is guilty",

"that's crazy", Donald shouted

"seize them at once", the Queen ordered as the card guards began advancing towards the four

"we got to get Alice and get out of here", Kate stated

"got it", Sora said as Donald and Goofy nodded their heads, everyone began fighting the card guards and soon made it to the cage Alice was in, however, Alice was gone, as they fled the court, they ran into the Cheshire Cat.

"have you seen Alice", Sora asked

"Alice, no, shadows, yes", the Cheshire Cat stated

"do you know where they went", Goofy asked

"this way, that way, does it matter, left, right, up, down, all mixed up thanks to the shadows", the Cheshire Cat stated as he then disappeared, as the four kept searching, they ended up back in the bizarre room, however, something was different, the whole room was upside-down, soon after, the room flipped back to normal, the four slowly looked looked up to see a giant heartless, it dropped from the ceiling and began to attack, as everyone began to fight, the battle proved tough but the four prevailed victorious.

"nice job guys", Kate cheered and then, the doorknob yawned

"what a racket, how's a doorknob to get any sleep", the doorknob asked as he yawned once again, revealing another keyhole, Sora and Kate's Keyblades began glowing, shooting a beam of light at the keyhole as the keyhole disappeared, the doorknob fell back asleep.

"what was that", Donald asked

"it sounded like something closed", Sora stated

"splendid, you're quite the heroes", the Cheshire Cat stated, "If you're looking for Alice, she's not here, she's gone, off with the shadows, into darkness",

"let's get back to the ship, we might find her in another world", Donald said as Sora, Kate, and Goofy nodded their heads and began walking back towards the Gummi Ship.


"accursed feline... it needs to shut it's big mouth",

"we should have sent him to Davy Jones's locker as soon as he refused to join us",

"let him live, he can't do us any harm, but the kids are a problem, they've found one of the keyholes",

"we shall have to deal with them without delay",

"there's no need to rush matters, it will take them ages to find the others, besides... the pawns are all falling into our hands. one by one",

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