Hollow Bastion: The Final Heart

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Sora, Kate, Donald, and Goofy traveled to Hollow Bastion, with help from their friends in Traverse Town, they were able to find their way to Hollow Bastion, arriving there, Kate felt a mysterious connection, almost as if she'd been there before, before anymore thoughts could be said, a roar was heard which caused the four to move ahead to see Riku talking to a beast.

"no vessel, no help from the heartless, so tell me, how'd you get here", Riku asked

"I simply believed, nothing more to it", Beast stated, "when our world fell into darkness, Belle was taken from me, I vowed I would find her again, no matter what the cost, I believed I would find her, so here I am, she must be here, I will have her back",

"take her if you can", Riku taunted, The Beast let out a roar and jumped towards Riku, Riku dodged and swung at The Beast, he then fell down.

"stop", Sora shouted as the four stood in front of Beast

"Riku, you need to stop, this isn't like you", Kate shouted

"so, you finally made it, about time, I've been waiting for you, we've always been rivals Sora", Riku stated, "but it ends here, they're can't be two Keyblade masters",

"what do you mean", Sora asked

"let the Keyblade choose... it's true master", Riku said as then Sora's Keyblade disappeared and appeared in Riku's hands, "only the Keyblade master can open the secret door, and change the world, sorry, but your part's over now",

"Goofy, let's go, we have to remember our mission", Donald said

"oh, well, I know the king told us to follow the key, but...", Goofy said looking at both Sora and Kate, Kate gave him a nod to go ahead, saying sorry to the two, Donald and Goofy left, Beast got up and began moving forward, only for both Sora and Kate to stop him.

"hey, don't move, your're hurt", Sora stated as then Kate casted a healing spell on him

"why... why did you... you two come here", Beast asked, "I came to fight for Belle, and though I am on my own, I will fight, I won't leave without her, that's why I'm here",

"us too, we're not gonna give up now", Kate stated as Sora nodded his head in agreement, soon after, Sora, Kate, and Beast began making their way towards the castle, with Sora no longer having a Keyblade, he had to rely on magic attacks, soon after, the three entered the castle.

"be on your guard, they're close, I can feel it, are you ready for them", Beast asked as he then turned around, a woman in a yellow dress stood by the door, Beast called her Belle, Belle then turned into a heartless, Beast grew angry and charged at the heartless, the door shut behind him, separating him from Sora and Kate.

"quit while you can", Riku demanded

"no, not without Kairi", Kate stated

"the darkness will destroy you both", Riku stated, his outfit changing 

"no it won't, the darkness may destroy my body, but it can't touch my heart", Sora stated as well, "my heart will stay with my friends, It'll never die",

"really, well, we'll see about that", Riku said, launching an attack towards Sora, but was deflected by Goofy

"They're going nowhere", Goofy stated

"you'd betray your King", Riku asked

"not on your life, but I'm not gonna betray either Sora or Kate cause they're my best buddies after all", Goofy said, "See ya later, Donald, could ya tell the king I'm really sorry",

"hold on, Goofy, we'll tell him together", Donald shouted as he ran over to the three, "well, you know... all for one and one for all",

"how will you fight without a weapon", Riku asked

"I don't need a Keyblade, I have a better weapon, my heart", Sora said which caused Riku to laugh

"what good's a weak heart to do", Riku asked

"although my heart may be weak, but with all the people I've met, if they don't forget about me, then our hearts will be one, I don't need a weapon, my friends are my power", Sora stated as then Sora's Keyblade disappeared from Riku and appeared within Sora's hand and the four began to fight Riku, in which, they defeated and he disappeared, Beast re-joined the group and both began running deeper within the castle, later running into Maleficent, who they defeated as well, and Maleficent was struck down, chasing after Riku, they ended up in a weird hall, there they found six of the seven pure heart princesses, alongside Kairi.

"Kairi", Kate shouted as she ran towards her sister, Sora following close behind, "come on Kairi, wake up",

"it's no use", a voice said, a mixure of both Riku's and someone mysterious, "that girl has lost her heart, she cannot wake up",

"you're not Riku, who are you", Sora asked

"the keyhole cannot be completed, so long as the last princess of heart still sleeps", the not-Riku stated

"wait... sis is a princess", Kate asked

"yes, and without her power, the Keyhole will remain incomplete, it's time she awakened", not-Riku said

"let Riku go", Sora demanded

"first, you must give the princess back her heart", not-Riku demanded as well, a bright light flashed within both Sora and Kate, "so the rumors were true, eight princesses, seven hearts, I'm not sure how it's possible though",

"who are you", both Sora and Kate asked

"it is I, Ansem, the seeker of darkness", Ansem said as he began walking forward, knocking Donald and Goofy out of the way, "I shall now free you princesses, open the door, lead me into everlasting darkness",

right before Ansem could strike them down, the two deflected his attack as then a battle emerged, although it was tough, both Sora and Kate managed to defeat Ansem, then, the keyhole began to overload, neither of them could close it due to the keyhole being unfinished, pulling a risky move, both stabbed themselves with a Keyblade, Kate fell to the ground, Sora still stood, the six pure hearts were released from the Keyblade and returned to their own bodies, as Kairi's heart was released, the Keyhole became complete, the two remaining hearts flew side by side, forming a complete heart before sepparating once again and returning to both Kairi and Kate, Sora began to fall backwards, Kairi and Kate ran towards him only for him to disappear, Ansem appeared in his true form, only to be stopped by Riku, with Riku's help, the four fled, a heartless chasing after the four, right before the four could leave, a heartless stopped in front of Kairi and Kate, with their help, it was able to change back into Sora, the four rejoiced upon his return and the pure heart princesses showed up, alongside the Traverse Town friends, Sora and Kate were able to seal the Keyhole, yet, Ansem was still out there, although Kairi wanted to join, she couldn't, as Sora, Kate, Donald, and Goofy set off after Ansem, Kairi gave them her lucky charm before they left.

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