The End of the World: What Is Kingdom Hearts

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"Gawrsh, is that all that's left of the worlds taken by the heartless", Goofy asked, looking around the place, the place looked to be of a never-ending sea with some rocks

"those worlds will be restored if we beat Ansem, right", Sora asked as well

"you betcha", Donald said

"wait, if we do beat him, and all these worlds become restored and disconnected, what'll happen to this place, and to us", Kate asked

"well, uh...", Donald began

"this is a heartless world, so maybe It'll just disappear", Goofy said, "but no worries, even if this place goes poof, our hearts ain't goin' nowhere, I'm sure we'll find our pals again",

"yeah", Kate said as the four began moving forward, battling heartless as they moved forward, after what had seemed like forever, the four reached a pathway, descending down the path, the four discovered a mysterious place, different doors and beams of light that would lead to different worlds, entering a door, Sora and Kate noticed the world, it was the Destiny Islands,

(A/n- in the game, you'd have to navigate through a lot of places, and fight a lot, due to the story, we're skipping all that)

"this world has been connected, tied to the darkness, soon to be completely eclipsed", Ansem's voice rang out as he appeared on the beach, in Riku's form, "take a look at this tiny place, to the heart seeking freedom, this island is a prison surrounded by water, and so this boy sought out to escape from his prison, he sought a way to cross over into other worlds, and he opened his heart to darkness", Ansem changed his form from Riku to his true self, "don't bother calling out to him, your voices can no longer reach him where he is, his heart belongs again to darkness, all worlds begin in darkness, and all so end, the heart is no different, darkness sprouts within it, it grows, consumes it, such is it's nature, in the end, every heart returns to the darkness whence it came, you see, darkness is the heart's true essence",

"that's not true, the heart may be weak, and sometimes it may even give in", Sora stated, "but I've learned that deep down, there's a light that never goes out",

"so you have come this far and still you understand nothing, every light must fade, every heart return to darkness", Ansem stated as then a heartless appeared behind him, the final battle then began, Ansem's heartless helper made the battle tough, however, Ansem managed to get away, the Destiny Islands began to fall apart due to Ansem, as they reached where Ansem was at, a familiar heartless appeared in front of both Sora and Kate, Donald and Goofy, separated from them.

"remember the first time we fought this guy", Kate asked

"yeah, this should be even more easy now", Sora stated as the two fought, as the two defeated the giant heartless, Ansem appeared once again, the two fighting him once more, it was different without Donald and Goofy, but both managed to pull through, however, Ansem warped the four somewhere.

"behold, the endless abyss, within it lies the heart of all worlds, Kingdom Hearts", Ansem said as a door appeared, "look as hard as you are able, you'll not find even the smallest glimmer of light, from those dark depths are all hearts born, even yours, darkness conquers all worlds",

Ansem's heartless evolved, this time, bigger than before, it was able to take Donald and Goofy, Sora and Kate were still fighting side by side, avoiding Ansem's attacks, they were able to free Donald and Goofy and the four began fighting Ansem together, hitting the core of the giant heartless, then Ansem himself, the giant heartless began to explode, then disappear.

"it is futile, the Keyblade alone cannot seal the door to darkness, Kingdom Hearts, fill me with the power of darkness", Ansem said as the door opened, darkness seeping out, "supreme darkness",

"you're wrong, I know now, without a doubt, Kingdom Hearts... is light", Kate shouted as light began seeping out of the door

"Light... but... why...", Ansem said as he disappeared, the four ran towards the door and began to try and close it, but the door wouldn't budge

"uh-oh, the heartless", both Donald and Goofy shouted

"it won't... budge", Kate grunted

"I can't", Sora said

"come on, Sora, together, we can do it", Riku stated, helping to close the door from the other side, but it still wouldn't budge, soon after a light emerged

"your majesty", Donald and Goofy shouted

"now Sora, Kate, let's close this door for good", Mickey stated, holding up a Keyblade

"close it, quick", Donald said

"but", Sora said

"don't worry, there will always be a door to the light", Mickey stated

"Sora, Kate, you can trust King Mickey", Goofy said

"now, they're coming", Riku said

"Donald, Goofy, thank you", Mickey said as everyone began to push the door closed once more, this time, it budged, the door closed, with Sora on one side and Mickey on the other, the two locked the door and the door disappeared.

"Mickey's with Riku, I believe he'll be alright", Kate stated as Sora nodded his head, turning around, the two saw Kairi, both then ran up to her, the platform she was on slowly going away from the platform Sora and Kate were on.

"Kairi, we'll come back to you", Kate shouted as she neared the edge

"we promise", Sora shouted as well

"I know you will", Kairi shouted back as she drifted away then disappeared, the worlds began to re-appear, Kairi appeared back on the Destiny Islands, Sora and Kate saw that before she disappeared from their sight, the world began to change around them, Sora, Kate Donald, and Goofy were now walking on a pathway

"well, now what do we do", Donald asked

"we gotta find Riku and King Mickey", Sora said

"but, uh, where do we start lookin' for that there door to the light", Goofy asked, causing the four to sigh, all had no clue where to look, however, a familiar dog walked up to the four

"Pluto", Donald said

"hey Pluto, where have you been", Goofy asked

"wait, he's got something", Kate said as everyone looked at Pluto, he had a letter in his mouth

"Gawrsh, that's the king's seal", Goofy stated

"Have you seen King Mickey", Sora asked as Pluto began running down the path, the four, now with happy faces began chasing after Pluto, on the trail to find both Riku and King Mickey.

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