🟠"What's in the drawer?" (Wattpad x Discord)🟦

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Requested by myself. Because why not?
Inspired by a book I used to make called "Wattscord".
Type: Random
979 words

Discord's POV

After dinner, which was Mcdonalds, I sat on the couch, checking my phone. No messages or anything. Wondered if anyone back at the other house actually missed me. Maybe Reddit?
You probably wonder what I mean by "other house". There's three houses we know around this town. One with the games, like Roblox, Kahoot, and Duolingo (no one knows how Duolingo got there), one with people like Ibis and Amino, and then there's my house. I came over with Tiktok here because she wanted to sleep over with Amino. She couldn't go alone, and I kind of didn't want to go, but everyone told me that I should go.
Anyway, I saw Wattpad go up the stairs with some papers in his arms. The papers looked all messed up, not usually what Wattpad has in his hands. I looked one more time if there was anything on my phone. Nothing. Then I slipped the phone back into my pocket and I went up the stairs.
I looked at Wattpad's door, which was to the left. I walked towards it, seeing the "Do not enter!!!" sign on it. I ignored it, knocking on the door.
"Wattpad? Could I come in?"
Behind Wattpad's door a bunch of papery sounds were heard. "Just a second!"
Wow, I didn't know that would actually work.
Wattpad unlocked and opened the door. "You can come in now, I just had to clean something up."
I walked into the door. Lots of things were neat and organized. I thought I heard something brush at the door, but it was probably just me. There was even a writing desk. It had two drawers, with a sign on one that said "DO NOT TOUCH!"
"What's in the drawer?" I asked.
"N-nothing." Wattpad answered.
"Are you sure?" I asked another thing.
"Yes..." I thought I saw a little blush on his face.
I kept looking around. There was a bookshelf full of books. I randomly picked one and took it out.
"Prove Me Wrong?" I asked.
"That? Oh, right. It's a book where America wants to, um, become friends with Russia, but Russia doesn't like him."
"Cool." I put the book back. "What about this one?"
"That one's called Mute. It's about Ukraine and my da- um, I mean Canada."
"It's okay to call him your dad."
Before I even put the book in its slot, a papery sound was heard. We both turned around to look. Tiktok was grabbing things out of the mysterious drawer.
"Tiktok! Put those back!"
"Let me have them, or I'll read them out loud!" She said with a playful voice.
"Put them back right now or I'll... I'll take away your stuff!"
Wattpad chased Tiktok around the room, who was hopping from the floor to the desk, to one of the bookshelves and to other places, until she got back to the floor.
"Last chance?"
"Fine! Read them! It won't do anything to me anyway."
Tiktok looked at the papers. "Let's see... How about this one?"
Tiktok set the rest of the papers down.
"Well go on. Read it!"
I thought I heard Wattpad whisper something, but all I could catch was "I hope it's". We both sat down.
"One day I was walking on the sidewalk, reading a book when I accidently tripped on someone. I was thinking it was Twitter, maybe, but it was someone else. I blushed a little when I saw who it was.
'Are you okay?' They asked, with their hand out for me.
'I'm fine.' I said, grabbing their hand and standing back up again.
The person who just helped me was my crush. I don't usually tell anyone who I like, because I feel like people will make fun of me or something if I do.
'Anyway, how's it going?' I asked him.
'Pretty good, I guess.' He replied.
'Well, maybe I could walk with you? I need to go this way too.'
'Why not?'"
As Tiktok read on, I could see Wattpad covering his ears(?), not wanting to listen to the story. It proceeded with Wattpad and the mysterious stranger talking about what they usually do, what they like, and other things. But some words stood out from the others.
"'Well, Wattpad, I'll see you when I come over.'
'Bye.' I said.
Great. Now I had to walk all the way home because I went the wrong way just to talk with my crush. But I at least know more things about him, right? That's not bad. By the way, one more thing before I end the story. I thought that people would get tired of reading this after the first few paragraphs, which is why I hid the name down at the bottom. The one I had a crush on was named-"
"DON'T SAY IT!" Wattpad yelled.
"was named Discord." Tiktok finished.
Wattpad sighed, then stood up. "Actually, I forgot to tell you all. This, um, story was actually an AU. It's not the real thing, but I do like someone in this world, so, uhh, Tiktok if you can please get out now that you've read that," He grabbed the paper and shoved TIktok out of the room, "that would be great bye!"
Wattpad collected his papers and put them back into the drawer. "Whew, glad that's over with."
I got up. "Wattpad, I-"
"Discord, that was something you didn't need to see."
"...That was great story."
Wattpad was silent for a few seconds.
"I liked it."
"...Thanks Discord. I'm glad you liked it."
"I didn't know you had a crush on me."
"I-I said earlier, it's an AU. I don't actually-"
"Are you sure?"
The orange apphuman quietly peeped, "No."
"Well, um, Wattpad..."
"What is it? Don't tell me, you're with Reddit already?"
"...I love you too."
I could tell Wattpad didn't expect that answer. He quickly hugged me, so I hugged him back.
"Hey, don't ever think that I won't like whatever you write. I'll still love you no matter what."
"...Thanks, Discord."

(I'd say that's a good first try, right?
And for the three houses thing, that's kind of how I usually think of the Apphumans world since they're kinda different than Countryhumans.)

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