the dark side

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it was Voldemort. I ran as fast and as quietly as I could. I tripped over a tree branch and I wasn't too far away from Voldemort. "what was that" Voldemort screamed. he ran and saw me there on the floor. my heart was pounding. I couldn't help but imagine how Voldemort looked while running so I giggled. I immediately stopped when I remembered Voldemort was behind me. I got so scared but I turned around, to see Draco so mad, worried and confused, while you know who was staring at me with his thin nose and he seemed pissed. "what's so funny... miss Kat is it?" Voldemort asked. "yes Angeline Kat, and I wasn't laughing" I lied. "ANGELINE what are u still doing here" Draco asked. 

 ''AVADA KEDA-" "NO" Draco screams. I sit there crying not knowing what to feel, I had almost died but Draco saved me. "Draco why r u trying to save that girl?" Lucius asks. "she's Harrys friend, she can be useful for later" Draco lied. Voldemort agreed to keep me alive till I was no use to him anymore. "Draco, I would like u to keep an eye on the girl for me, try to torture her into telling u information every once in a while "demanded Voldemort. Draco agreed. Lucius, Bellatrix, and Voldemort vanished. 

Draco ran to me and hugged me. I flinched and he got off of me. "why wont you let me get near you" he asked. I stood up and stared at him while I was shaking. "your a death eater how could you not tell me". "you don't understand" he said. "don't talk to me" I sighed. I started running. I know that we haven't been in a relationship for to long but I was still so broken to find out the guy I loved is on Voldemort's side. 

I had potions class and i was about to fall asleep until "ms.Kat I would like to speak to u" said Dumbledore. from the tone of it, it didn't sound good. I awkwardly walked out of the class. my eyes accidently meeting Draco's. "I'm so sorry, but your mother has passed away 2 hours ago" Dumbledore mumbled. my mother was a horrible person but she was still my mother after all. I stood there in shock. I was in a crazy amount of pain, I was sobbing and screaming. Draco ran out of the class worried, he held me and said it was going to be fine but he had no idea what was going on. "Draco please comfort her" Dumbledore asked. Draco agreed to do so. as I'm still crying and panicking Draco convinces me to sit in the common room. he quickly runs inside class to grab my books. I was mad at Draco but to be honest he was the only person I wanted to be around. as I arrived to the common room we sat on the couch and I laid my head on Draco's shoulder. he put his arm around me and wiped the hair out of my face putting it behind my ears. I chilled out a little bit. "what happened angel". "my mom is gone" "I have no family" I looked at him and started tearing up again. 

"hey hey hey its okay" he said and he laid my head back on his shoulders. he kissed my forehead and in that moment I knew that as long as I'm with him, I'm gonna be okay. I looked up at Draco and kissed him. "can I trust you?" I asked hoping he'd say yes. "as long as I can trust you" he replied. "of course you can trust me, but with you being a death eater and all, I wanna know if I can trust u" I said. he looked me in the eyes and said "look angel, yes I'm a death eater but I had no choice. my parents forced me into this, I'm not a bad person but if I don't obey Voldemort's rules he'd kill me and my family". he cried. I could tell he wasn't lying. I hugged him and put my hands around his waist. 

" by the way why were you laughing at Voldemort that was extremely risky" he stated. "oh right well you see I heard him running and I imagined what he looked like while running and I unintentionally started laughing". Draco looked at me and we both bursted out laughing.

it was already the end of the year and I was planning on staying in London to clear out my moms stuff. meaning id be back in Hogwarts after winter break. Draco understood and said he'd miss me. "hey you promise to write to me yeah?" Draco asked. "yes I promise" I replied. he gave me a cute little smirk and then I went. 

my love,DracoWhere stories live. Discover now