Lucius & Snape

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it was a Wednesday and the big project was due tomorrow, me and Draco had barely done anything. i was headed to charms class but i bumped into Draco, i was hoping to talk to him about the project. "oh Angeline i wanted to ask you if-" "Draco we have to finish the project" i quickly interrupt. he rolled his eyes and i gave him a complexed look, then realized he was going to say the same thing. we stood there in silence for about 30 seconds until harry came running and screaming my name. i turned around and there was harry. He looked like he's been through world war 3. "a-are you okay?" "you have to come with me.. now" he insists, taking a long break between words. "Draco meet me right outside my dorm at 9, we have to finish the project by tonight" i whisper. 

i had been following harry around the castle for what felt like forever until we stopped behind a door where professor Snape was. "shh" harry mouthed to me. i tried to listen to the conversation professor Snape and, a- and a blonde haired man was having? oh no, it can't be. "LUCIUS?!" harry looked at me in shock. crap crap crap did i say that out loud? oh no. "who's there" Snape says. i look back at harry and he was gone. i slowly panic until i see harry right behind me. he had his invisibility cloak on him, that's great. i immediately hid under it. Snape and Lucius walked outside the room to see who it was that called his name. they went back in and locked the door so we couldn't hear anything.  "Angeline, go inside with the invisibility cloak ill be waiting here'' "oh-okay " i agreed. 

i tried to open the door without making a noise. i finally got close enough to listen to the conversation.

 "LUCIUS you must not hurt the girl''

''dark lords orders"

"Lucius this girl didn't mean any harm, i will speak to her. i will obliviate her memory if i have to. just don't kill her" 

k-kill me? already? what the hell is happening. and how do they know i know in the first place.

"obliviate her memory Snape, and if you fail to do so not only will she die but so will you" 

right after that locus's walked out the door where harry was. i hope he didn't see harry. 

"you can show yourself now Angeline" Snape sighed. i was so confused but i removed the cloak. 

"do you realize how much danger you put yourself in" 

"yes, w-well now i do"

"i want you to tell me everything, NOW" 

i grabbed a chair and sat down.

"well you see when i was in my house in London i found a room, a room I've never seen before. in that room was well pictures of the minister. i was confused until i saw a dark mark on one of his pictures. i then found a note from my mother stating that-"

"stating that the minister is secretly a death eater?" he interrupts. 

"y-yes sir"


"a-and then i visited my uncle and long story short i found out that he was a death eater too, and killed my mother because Voldemort found out she knew"

"knew what?"

"about the minister..."

" so Voldemort found out that your mother knew and sent one of his death eaters and by coincidence your uncle, to kill her?"

"yes professor"

"go on"

"and dobby visited me telling me if i go to Hogwarts id be in danger, i now think it has something to do with this."

"hold on, dobby?"

"oh y-yes dobby is a free house elf"

Snape nodded his head and so i continued.

"i thought i was safe until yesterday, 2 death eaters came to find me and bring me to Voldemort but i got away." 

i sat there in silence. waiting for Snape to get that all in his head. 

"you are dismissed" Snape whispers

i stand up and walk out the door, i was expecting him to say more. maybe start a little argument but he didn't.

there was harry, staring at me like a robot. i couldn't tell if he was mad, happy, or sad. oh no, did he hear anything? if he did he could be in danger too!

 i walked towards harry to give him a hug but he took a step back. "harry what's wrong?" 

"how could u not tell me?" in that moment i went numb. i didn't feel so good. harry could be dragged along in this mess with me. i couldn't handle the fact that my bestfriend could get killed. "harry you don't understand, if i told you i would've put you in danger. what kind of friend would that make me?"

 i stood there waiting for him to reply. "you know what, save your explanation for Ron and Hermione" no no no this cant be happening, he wouldn't tell them. it would put them in danger as well. 

this whole day was a bust. i still had my last class before dinner. oh right- then i have to study with Malfoy. i didn't feel like dealing with him right now.

my love,DracoWhere stories live. Discover now