summer in London

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it has been the beginning of summer vacation. I have been in my house for about 4 days now and I'm not enjoying it. when I first arrived my first thought was I wanted to see my mom ,I wanted to say goodbye. i tried to contact my uncle Elijah, he was the only family i had left. i really hated him because he was just rude and annoying, he also looks scary. he's tall, he has  gray hair, and a mustache. he was also muscular, he always had this puffed up face that makes me laugh. but anyways I was hoping he took care of my moms death. 

dear Elijah,

its Angeline. I'm sure you've heard of my mothers death. I came home not knowing where to start, and I don't know if she had a funeral. I'm so lost and I was hoping we could meet up so u can explain everything. 

-from Angeline

I mean all I know is that my mother died and I needed to stay in London for a while. but I'm not even sure how she died. 

It was pretty boring in the muggle world. i decided to go out, I mean I have nothing to do until my uncle contacts me. I got dressed and went outside the house. the muggle world is so weird, but its also kind of interesting. i sat in a cafeteria. i basically did that everyday waiting for my uncle to contact me.

it was the 2nd week of being in London and I still haven't heard from Elijah. it started to get EXTREMELY boring here so I wrote to him again.

dear Elijah,

its Angeline again. where are you? did you receive my last letter?


5 days later and still no response. I knew exactly where he lived but I'm not sure if he still lives there. and it would be rude to just show up. ill just give it a few more weeks and then ill visit him.

in my whole stay in London, all I did was stay home and go to the same café every single day. I tried to keep my mind off Draco even though I miss him like crazy. me harry and Ron are slowly drifting and I feel bad about it. the next time I see them ill make sure to hang out with them more. me and Hermione are good though, I love her. 

its the middle of July and still no sign from Elijah. I've done enough waiting so i think I'm gonna go to his house. I grabbed a small purse and went out. 

i arrived to his house and to be honest i was kind of nervous because it seemed so much more different since the last time i was here. it was more dark and empty. i rang the doorbell, no reply. i rang it 3 more times, still no reply. "Angeline?" from the voice i knew it was my uncle. i turned around and he had just gotten out of a car. "Angeline what are you doing here, you need to leave" he cried. "i- i just wanna ask about mom". he forced me to leave, it was kind of suspicious. "please, just tell me how she died at least" I begged. he told me to come in and he offered me a cup of tea. 

while he was pouring the tea to the cup his sleeve lifted. and i noticed a mark. "no way" i gasped. "excuse me?" he asked. "oh nothing i just love that kind of tea" I lied. "so your mother got poisoned" "your lying" I insisted. "DONT SPEAK TO ME LIKE THIS" he cried.  then he smiled at me like he didn't just scream from the top of his lungs. "mom was murdered" i guessed. "no, she was poisoned" he insisted. "when I came home the house was ruined, everything was on the floor and there was blood" i said. then i realized she actually did get murdered, by death eaters. and the mark on my uncles hand was a dark mark, meaning he probably killed her. but i wasn't sure its just a random thought that came into my mind.

"you murdered her"

"excuse me? that is a strong accusation". i mean he wasn't wrong but i just wanted to see if he would deny it.

"your a death eater" "you killed her because you and your death eater friends were bored" I cried.


"so you killed your own sister without hesitation?" "and you avoid my letters because you don't wanna have to explain how you killed her?" I said.

I always knew he was off but I never suspected that he works for you know who. but i was so confused, if she had been killed by a death eater why doesn't anyone know? it would've been on the daily profit. I grabbed my stuff and before I opened the door I asked, "where's her body". he ignored me so I screamed "WHERES HER BODY". he flinched. "she was buried the same place Harrys parents were buried" he mumbled.

she was buried all the way in godric's hollow? why there? I asked myself. 

"WAIT you might be wondering why she was buried there" Elijah said, before I stepped out of the door. I looked at him waiting for him to tell me. "your mom was born there, we both were. but she never told you because she didn't want you to ever visit that place because its full of danger."

I mean I don't blame her. after Harrys parents death it was considered a dangerous place so she just wanted to protect me.

I got everything done earlier then i expected so ill go back to Hogwarts when school starts again.

its my first summer without my mom and its the worst. yes she was annoying and abusive but she was just broken, she was so lonely after loosing the love of her life. and speaking of the love of her life I wanna check on mine.

dear Draco,

how are you doing? I found out how my mom died and its pretty disappointing. its boring here alone. I miss u. wish I could see you! 

love, angel :)

here comes my owl! I was hoping it was from Draco. 

dear angel,

yesterday my father told me how your mom died. I'm so sorry. but I'm confused, if death eaters killed her then it would be on the daily profit? anyways I miss you more then anything. the Malfoy manor is horrible, Voldemort keeps on visiting and death eaters are always here. I'm so happy that school starts in a month, i finally get to see u.  

love Draco

see? it wasn't just me who thought it had to be on the daily profit. 

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