baking :)

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it was a Saturday, and Saturdays are my favorite day of the week because I get to go to Hogsmeade and hang out with friends, but today everyone was busy and Hogsmeade was closed.

I was getting pretty bored in my dorm so I decided to take a walk around the castle. after a couple minutes I sat down on a bench. I was thinking about things I could do until I was interrupted by someone rapidly tapping my shoulder and snapped out of my daze.

"godddd can you stop'' I said tensely to the person tapping my shoulders. the person sat down beside me so I looked to see who it was. greaaat, Draco was the person I screamed at.

"you looked upset, what's bothering you?" he said. "upset?No bored plus why do you care"

"because were friends" he replied. a few seconds of akward silence went by.

"Draco are you doing anything today?" I asked plainly. 

"I'm hanging out with pansy and Blaise"

"ahhh right" I say, as my smile slowly fades.

"fine, I can make some time for you" he says while smirking. I look at him and smile. I grab his hand and I drag him to the kitchen. after a couple minutes of giggling and falling over we finally arrived to the kitchen, out of breath might I add.

"seriously?! the kitchen?" he says, rather disappointed.

"shut up and get the ingredients" i smirk.

"whaaattt-nooo i dont wanna bake" 

"you sound like a literal 5 year old now c'mon help me" I giggle. 

he goes and gets the ingredients and lays them on the table. "I need one more egg" I say. suddenly I feel a gooey liquid strolling down my face. i turn around to see Draco laughing. 

"you know baking isn't all that bad after all" he says.

"Oh really'' I questioned, going over to get a handful of flour then walking towards Draco.

"yeah reall-" then a bunch of flour hits Draco's face. I laugh uncontrollably until I see Draco gets a bunch of sugar and throws it at me. he didn't just get a handful, oh no he got the whole container. 

we kept on throwing random ingredients at each other to the point where we fell on the floor laughing non stop until someone decided to walk in and ruin the moment. 

''Draco? I've been looking for you everywhere" pansy says. 

"a-and why are you hanging out with her? HER? come Draco lets go"

Draco looks at me with a frown. "go its okay" I mouth to him. he stood up and left with pansy, a couple seconds later he walked back in and used his magic to clean up the mess. "oh thanks" i whisper. and he runs off back to pansy. 

akh this boy.. i thought to myself.

(i got this idea from a Wattpad imagine story so cr to them)

my love,DracoWhere stories live. Discover now