-Chapter 3-

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Hana slowly opened the door, to be greeted by the villains staring at her. She's never seen people who looked like this before. Purple skin, a lizard man, some guy with a hand on his face, it was all so new to her. She didn't know enough about the world to know that these people were some of the most dangerous in the country.

The man with the hand on his face spoke up from the bar. "Hello, child." He greeted.
Hana recognized the voice. "Shiga-Shigara-Shig-something?"

Shigaraki smiled. "You're right, Bakugou. She's too precious for this world."

Hana looked to her side, to see her older brother restrained to a chair. His eyes were wide as he stared at her, scared of saying something that would end up with his younger sister dead in the hands of the villains before them.

"Katsuki? Are you okay?" Hana ran to her brother, kneeling next to him on the floor. "Yes, I'm fine. Why are you here?"
"I'm trying to save you! Shigaraki said he'd give you back!"
"Of course he wouldn't do that!"

Suddenly, Hana was grabbed by the back of her shirt and a hand full of blue fire was in front of her.

"Shut it, kid."
"I'm fourteen, I'm not a kid!"

Katsuki has so much panic and worry in is eyes. "Don't-don't hurt her! Please!" He pleaded.

"Oh, we won't hurt her, Bakugou. As long as you listen to me very closely."

Katsuki's attention turned to Shigaraki, ready to do anything to protect his sister, who was now in the hands of some purple-skinned villain with a blue fire Quirk.

"You know, Bakugou...we've watched you and your family for a long time." Shigaraki started. "We know your situation with your mother. We know she's a prostitute. We know she barely takes care of you. We know you work at a maid cafe to take care of your sister. We know she's the most important person in your life. You'd do anything to protect her, right?"

Not knowing where this was going, Katsuki nodded.

"What if I told you we'd protect her? We're way stronger and more feared than you are. We can offer all the protection in the world for your dear younger sister."

Katsuki was surprised by what he was hearing. He definitely wanted to make sure someone was out there to protect Hana if something happened to him, but these are villains. How can he be sure he can trust them to really take care of her? He can't. But, what if they're telling the truth?

"What's the catch?" He asked.

"Catch? Oh, it's more like an opportunity!" Shigaraki said with a smile.

"All you have to do...is join the League of Villains."

Both Bakugou siblings' eyes widened with surprise.

"You heard me. All you have to do is join us."
"Then what? You'll protect Hana?"
"Yes, now you're getting it!"

Shigaraki stood up, a smile still on his face.

"We can protect her better than you ever could. We can keep her safe from any other villain in the country. With our money, we can support her better than you and your maid cafe job can. So whaddya say, Bakugou? Will you let us take care of you two?"

Katsuki's mind was racing. How could he choose between his dream of becoming a hero to protect his sister, or becoming a villain, also to protect his sister.

Maybe as a hero he can do that, but that will take a while. What if something happens to her before he graduates? The League can protect her starting now. He doesn't have to wait and worry. He just has to say yes.

"What else do you have in your life other than your sister, huh?" Shigaraki said. "You have no one in that school of yours you'd actually call a friend, and even if they did like you, they're probably tired of your personality, oh, I'm sorry, your coping mechanism, your facade that you put on to make you feel tough, so no one sees your weak and vulnerable side. And why do you have that side? Because of your mother. She barely took care of you, and is doing the same to your sister. You have nothing and no one in this life. Let me help you have something in another."

Katsuki was silent, staring at the floor and thinking of his options.

Would he stay a hero student, a son to a careless mother and a bully to the only other people in his life, just so he could be a hero in what, ten years?

Or would he take the leap and join the villains, so his sister would be protected starting now?

So few options, so much to think about.

The choice is his, the ball is on him.

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