-Chapter 6-

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Later, at the bar, Hana was sitting on the stool and staring at her phone. On top of the screen was the paper that had her father's number on it.

She was scared. She always wondered if her father would be proud of her and what she had become, but that was before she joined the League. Now she's sure he'll definitely not be proud. Why would he? His child, who he didn't even know he had, is a member of he League of Villains. Who would be proud of that?  She didn't realize how long she was staring until Toga spoke up.

"Heya! What's that?" She asked, sitting on the table.
"It's my dad's number. My mom gave it to me."
"Oh, cool! Why aren't you calling him?"
"Because he doesn't even know I'm alive. He doesn't know I exist. How do I break it to him that he had a daughter with a hooker he slept with fourteen years ago?"

Toga didn't know how to deal with this situation. Even thought both her parents were around, she had her own issues with them that were completely different from the one Hana had with hers. She didn't know what to say or do, afraid that she would just make things worse. Suddenly, Katsuki sat on the stool next to his sister.

"If you want, I can call him and start explaining. Give you an introduction." He said.
"Really? You'd do that?"
"Of course."

Part of Hana was relieved. But she also felt like she was in her brother's debt and that now she owed him something. She always felt like that whenever he did something for her, which happened very often. She didn't know why he never tried to ask something from her in return.

Katsuki took out his phone, dialed the number, and put the phone to his ear.

"Is it ringing?" Hana whispered.
Katsuki nodded.
"Ooh this is so exciting!" Toga said.

Suddenly, someone picked up.

"Hello?" A soft, feminine voice said.
Katsuki recognized the voice.

"R-Round Face?!" He said.
"Huh? Bakugou?!"
"Why are YOU answering?!"
"Why are you calling my dad?!"
"YOUR dad?!"
"Yes! And where are you? Everyone knows you've been kidnapped and your sister is missing!"
"My sister is with me. Our mom gave us this number."
"Because she said this is her dad's number!"
"HER dad? This is MY dad!"
"Ugh, this is so hard to explain. Can you just meet us somewhere?"
"Of course!"
"You better come alone."
"I'll explain later!"
"Ok! Where do we meet?"
"You know the playground near UA?"
"Oh yeah! Sure, I'll go there alone."
"Good. See you at five."

Katsuki hung up.

He looked to his side, where the two girls were staring at him,  shocked and confused.

"Who answered?" Hana asked.
"My classmate." Katsuki said. "Ochaco Uraraka."

Toga's eyes lit up.

"Ochaco? Oh my god, Ochaco!" She squealed.
"I've been trying to get in touch with her for a while now! Please, please, can I come with you?"
"Why? This is family business."
"I wanna see her too!"
"What'll you do when you see her?"
"I wanna hug her...and squeeze her....and drain her....."
"Okay, you're not doing any of that. We need her in one piece so we can talk."
"Oh come on!"
"What about you come with us and watch from the roof of the gazebo there. If you see anyone coming, give us a sign."
"What kind of sign?"
"Like, uh, a bird sound?"
"Oh like this?"

Toga imitated the sound a bird makes.

"Yeah,  just like that."
"Okay! This'll be fun!"

Katsuki turned to his sister, who was just staring into space with the same shocked and confused expression she had during the call.

"Hey, you good?"
"No? I'm really confused...why did your classmate answer?"
"She said I was calling her dad's phone?"
"Do you think...mom gave us... a fake number?"

"I don't think she'd do that. If she were to do that, she would've given us the number of some private investigator who can lead us back home. She's not a good mom, but she's still a little smart."

"Then why...who..."
"I think I know why."

Katsuki paused for a second and stared into space.

"I think her father...is your father."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2020 ⏰

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