-Chapter 5-

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It was the afternoon of the next day. Mitsuki, the Bakugou siblings' mother, had just got home late last night and figured her kids had probably just went to a friend's place or something. Since she was off work, she was laying in bed, watching TV. She had forgotten her kids weren't even there, not like she'd notice even when they were. Everyone just assumed she already knew.

Suddenly she got a text. It was from her friend.

"Sukiiii I'm so sorry about your kids!!!"
"Huh? What about them?"
"...u don't know?"
"Haven't you watched the news??"
"I was at work!"
"Ugh, see this is why they're better off without you. I actually feel happy for them. They're free from your horrible parenting!"
"Just tell me what happened!"
"Ugh, Jesus Christ."
"Your son was kidnapped!! By the fucking League of Villains!! And you daughter ran after him and is missing too!"

Mitsuki scoffed. She must be joking.

"Oh please. C'mon, you can't joke about that."
"I'm not joking!!! Read this:"

Her friend sent her a link. After clicking on it she realized she was telling the truth. The link led her to a new article about the kidnapped and missing children. No, HER kidnapped and missing children.

"This can't be true." She muttered to herself.

She jumped out of bed and ran around the apartment, calling her kids' names.

"Katsuki! Katsuki! Hana! Hanaaaaa!"

Once she realized they were really gone, which didn't take long because their apartment was so small, she fell to the floor and wept.

She regretted everything.

She regretted neglecting them.
She regretted agreeing to this job.
She regretted going to work that night.

But for once, she didn't regret having them.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

She shot up. There's no way in hell she was going to let anyone else see her cry.

Even though she was only wearing a dress shirt and underwear, she wiped her tears and answered the door.

The people outside quickly got in and shut the door behind them.

It took her a second to realize it, but Mitsuki saw her children in front of her.

Suddenly she was filled with a wave of relief. They were here! They were safe!

She noticed their new clothes; clothes she never bought them or saw them wear, but didn't are about it.

"Oh, thank god!" She said, rushing in to hug her kids.

This was the first time in years she hugged them. They weren't used to it.

"Well, I didn't expect this." Hana said. "Guess I owe Toga a coin."

Mitsuki broke the hug.

"What happened? How were you kidnapped? Who saved you? How did you get here?"

"No one saved us, Ma." Katsuki said.
"What do you mean?"
"No one saved us. No one came to our rescue. Instead, the League took us in. They're taking care of us, gage us new clothes and everything. They took better care of us in one night than you did our whole lives. What does that mean to you?"

Mitsuki blinked in surprise. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. The League of Villains? Taking care of her kids? Part of her was relived they didn't want to kill them or anything. She was also a little glad someone was taking care of them, and she didn't have to do it. But it would be a cold day in Hell before she admits that was her first thought.

"What? What do you mean?"
"He means that we're out of your hair now." Hana said.

"You don't need to take care of us anymore, not like you ever did."

Mitsuki's heart was slowly breaking, but she knew she deserved it.

"Wha-please! Please forgive me! I'm so sorry! I'll be a better mother from now on, I swear! I'm so sorry!" She cried. Tears were coming out her eyes like waterfalls. It's been years since she let someone see her cry. But she didn't care. She just wanted her children's forgiveness.

"Mom, I'm not saying you ever took care of us, but now you really won't have to."

Mitsuki didn't understand what she meant.

Katsuki and Hana had a bit of anger in them, but also pity. They didn't know why they felt pity, this was the woman who never took care of them. Why do they care about her?

"Mom, we just wanted to say goodbye. We're leaving, and you'll never have to see us again." Hana said.

"No! Please! Stay! I'm sorry!"
"No. We're sorry. We're sorry we were born and ruined your life. Now, we won't be your problem anymore. Goodbye."
"Wait! Stay!"

Mitsuki has to think fast. She had to do something, anything.

Suddenly, as her son reached for the doorknob, it hit her.

There is no way she can get them to stay. She didn't deserve to let them stay, and they deserve to leave.

The League will take better care of them from now on. They deserve the protection and care that they would get from them.

It's what's best for them.

Now, is there anything she should tell them? Before they leave forever?

"Wait!" She said. "Hana, I know who your father is."

She stopped dead in her tracks.

"I have a picture of your father. I know who he is. And I have his number."

Katsuki closed the door again.

"You has it all this time, and you never told us? Or did anything with it? You never called him?"
"And what do I say? 'Hello, this is that hooker you slept with! Guess what, I'm pregnant! It's yours!'"
"Yes, that's exactly what you say!"
"I don't want to ruin his life with a child!"

Oops. She didn't mean to say that. Or for it to sound that way.

Then it was clear to Hana. All her life she didn't want it to be true, but now she knows it is. She ruined her mother's life, just by being born.

"Give us the number." She said, in a monotone voice that tried to hide the anger and sadness in her heart.
"Maybe if you sta-"
"Give is the number!"

Hana looked at her mother with anger and pity. At least now she can call her own dad, without having to think of what her mom would say. Not like she can do anything anymore.

Mitsuki gave them the number on a small piece of paper.

"Thank you." She said.
"Goodbye, mom." Katsuki said, opening the door.

"G...goodbye..." Mitsuki said in a shaky voice, watching her children leave.

"...I love you." She whispered as the door shut.

Her children didn't hear her.

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