Just a normal and average day just like any other day

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No one's POV

An average boy who is starting his day off to go school and has things ready for school. Everyday he has a average day and a normal life but he doesn't know what is going to happen and will change his life.

Angel pov

My day has started off just like any other. I wake up and make myself breakfast which you know realize that I live alone in my house. My life never has changed and always been quiet and peaceful. I'm getting ready for school.

But today feels off like something it's about to happen but I think is just my imagination. School is now starting and I just sit quietly by myself at the window looking at how peaceful it is and I sit at corner of my classroom.

Bell rings and now is getting late. Time for me to go home and rest. As I start to walk off I feel something is following or a just my imagination but ignored it. As I walk to an alley way. I saw the most terrifying thing in my life and it was a giant demon looking monster eating a person. I got scared and starting running off but the demon was fast enough to catch me that I thought I was a goner until a woman that had revealing clothing but also looked like a ninja assassin but what caught me was her hair was orange and had beautiful blue eyes. She saved and killed the demon and I fall down unconscious.

Sakura pov

I saw this guy who was terrified and saved him from getting killed and  looked kinda cute. I saw him fall unconscious and caught him. He look very cute and handsome that I thought I was immature for me to say but I looked at him and see his cute sleeping face. I think I fell for him even though I didn't knew him. I just saved the guy and he looks like he goes to school. I think I might enroll his school so I can watch over him and maybe i can date him.

Angel pov

I woke up and saw that I was in my room. I think it was just all dream and then fall back and tries to sleep back until he feels something squishy in his arms. I turn around and saw the same girl who saved me. It wasn't dream. I was panicking because I touched her boob and how did she know where I live. She I starting to wake up.

She wakes up and sees me, and she said "good morning how are you doing." I couldn't say anything because that just happened is real. Sakura:"hello are there. Are evening listening to me." She begins to pout. I said:"sorry I just thought it was all dream and thought you were in my head sorry about that." Sakura starts to smile and said:"Well my name is Sakura Igawa and it's a pleasure to meet you." She smiles brightly and warm my heart because her smile looks angelic. But I panick because one I want to know how she knew where I live. I asked:"How did you found my house." She look at me and said:"Well I saw your address in your bag so I brought you here."

Sakura POV

It was funny seeing home panicking but still looked cute. I saw the time saw that he is getting late for school. So I told him. "Your getting late for school." Then he sees the time and panicks. He started getting his bag and putting his uniform which I say he look handsome without a shirt. He didn't have much muscle or he wasn't that strong either. But he look great. I feel really weird around my heart because it started pounding. Did really fell for him or did I just really love him? He left and forgot about me. Is just like he forgot about me real quick.

Angel pov

I hurried up and started running for school. Finally got there and just walked up. I sat at my regular seat and looked at the window. My peaceful life until I hear people talking about a new transfer student but just ignored it. Until the teacher came and told everyone to quiet down. He said " we have a new transfer student. Please come in and introduce yourself." I didn't pay attention until I hear a similar voice from the person who just introduced herself. "Hello everyone my name is sakura Igawa please to meet you all. I hope we become great friends." She looked at me and wink at me. I feel glares coming from the guys who just got jealous. The teacher told sakura to seat right next to me because there is seat empty. She comes and took her seat and says hello to me. "Angel I want you to to give her a tour around the school. Got it!" I said got it and more glares came after me. So class ended and I gave her a tour. About to tell her why is she here.

Angel"Why are you here at my school and my class." I gave my stern look at her but she laughed. Was she making me fun at me. Sakura"I came here for education but as well to protect you from demons and monster." I was shocked because why was she worried about me. Angel" Why do care you about me." She looked a little saddened when I said that and she gave me an answer.

Sakura"Because I care about you and I think I just fell for you. I love you ok and that's why I came to your school to protect you from danger but it looks like I made a mistake." She looked sad and angry so she started walking away until I grabbed her hand told her sorry. I never knew a beautiful girl would have fallen for me because I looked weak. What I did was embarrassing but encouraged my myself and kissed her. She was shocked at ffg first but she kiss me back and we fought for dominance but she was better.

Sakura pov

I convinced him about why I came to his school but I regretted it because I thought he was different. So I leave but not until he grabbed my hand and said sorry. But a sorry wouldn't fixed this. That is until he kiss me and shocked me but I fell for his and kissed him back. I was happy he accepted me and we fought for dominance but I win. He took my first kiss and I enjoyed.

He looked at me and said "Will you accept me as your boyfriend and maybe go out sometime." I was truly happy. He was the right man for me.

Sakura" Yes I do accept your feelings. And I would really want to go out with you."It me feel teared up and cried. But he hugged and I hugged him. He will be my first love and my future husband.

Angel POV

I was happy that I got a beautiful girlfriend and I will protect her and love her forever. I looked her and she was happy. So we grabbed each other hand walked home. I think my life will change from now on because I think is going to get worse from here.

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