Cold as Ice Pt. 4

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Okay. So sorry for making Cold as Ice so long. But anyways.

Cold as Ice (Ser Patrick)

Training began immediately. He personally oversaw Rain's training. And so, he trained. On the ground, on the roof. Ser Patrick was rather impressed with what Rain could already do. Just as he was about to tell Rain to take a break, someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and found Lady Azura behind him.

"Sire, everything is ready," she said.

"Thank you, Azura," he replied, kissing her on her forehead, "I know this has been hard on you..."

"Yeah...a bit."

"Don't worry, you're doing fine. Rain! Take a break. Azura's got something for you!" Rain stalked over.

"Follow me," she said to him, Ser Patrick following them.

After a whole morning of training, Rain was tired. He wasn't sure why. Before being turned into...a zombie, he trained relentlessly. Now, just after a few hours he was tired. He wondered what Lady Azura was going to show him and was just a bit curious. When they arrived at the gates of the Frostbourne base, Deadfort, he caught his breath. There, leaning against a wall was a beautifully crafted hood and sword. The hood was obviously enchanted with some power. The outside was cobalt blue, and the inside was a bright orange. The sword was also overwhelming. It was a large blade made from what looked like ice.

"Oh yes, and this," Azura added, reaching for a chest plate. It was black and blue. Rain put everything on, including the sword which was perfectly balanced for him. "The hood will give you ice power," she said. Rain nodded in thanks. Suddenly, there was a scream. Rain turned to find a...holy gods. A dragon. No, the Ender Dragon. It was dark as night and had beautiful purple eyes. But the Ender Dragon was attacking them. Lighting homes on fire, burning people and...were those endermen? Endermen were creatures of the Realm of the End. The Ender Dragon was from the End, too.

"We are under attack!" Patrick yelled. He put on his helmet and ran into battle.

Flying over the village, the dragon let out blazing orange flames. Rain sensed something behind him and whirled around to see an enderman, ready to attack him. Using his sword, he slashed at it, killing the creature. When the enderman died however, it dropped an enderpearl. You could teleport with enderpearls. All you had to do was simply throw it and it will teleport you where the enderpearl landed. Rain had only used them a couple of times. A portal opened in the sky. It had many star like figures and was black and teal. A portal to the End.

"Azura, I have to go after it. I-I think I know how to convince the End to stop this attack," he pleaded. She thought for a moment.

She took a deep breath and for one moment, Rain feared she would not let him. But then she said "Okay, Rain. But please, be careful."

"I will, Lady Azura. Thank you." He threw the pearl into the portal. He prepared, and just as the portal closed, he was teleported in.

The End was a dark realm. The sky was not blue, but rather a pitch dark black. The ground was not grass, but endstone. Endermen were everywhere, watching him, blocking him. But he ran to the Ender Dragon. The dragon watched him, ready to lunge. But before it could, Rain pulled something out. An ender eye. The dragon roared loudly, eyes turning white.

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