After Midnight

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A/N No detailed smut scene, a lot of implied sex and they talk about sex a lot. So if you are under 18, be cautious.

I'm in my head, I'm a mess
I wanna let you know
I've got a lot on my plate
And I'm never home
But I can promise you this
You'll never wanna let me go

-Feels Right, Alina Baraz


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The only thing Lucas would often find himself remembering on his darkest days would be the ticking of the clock.

He had learned how to find comfort in the change of minutes, the passing of seconds. On his darkest days, Lucas would tell himself that all things pass and if ever he was going through a hard time, he would have to wait till midnight.

Midnight was when he would tell himself that it was a new day, that bad times did not last and faded away into tomorrow. He found himself relying on this thought, Lucas telling himself that one day, he'd find himself in a time in his life where he wouldn't look forward to midnight.

He was a different person after midnight, Lucas getting lost in his thoughts. On some days, his thoughts would fill his mind to the brim and he would try to escape them, bodies he could hold onto, a frenzy of kisses with strangers whose names he wouldn't remember.

Lucas Wong did not have an easy life.

He had never met his father but everyone who met him would always tell him that he had his father's eyes. His mother always seemed empty, floating between reality and the loss of her husband that she was hardly ever there. There were times Lucas would wonder if it was his fault that his father left, the kid watching his mother wash clothes for a living.

Then she got married when he was eight, a Korean man that Lucas hated. They had to move and Lucas saw himself in his mother to this very day. They were so vulnerable, they clung to the people who gave them warmth. Even if it was bad for them.

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