Third time's a charm

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'Cause only you could fill this empty space
I wanna tell all my friends
But I don't think they would understand
It's somethin' I've decided
'Cause only you could fill this empty space

-Empty Space, James Arthur

-Empty Space, James Arthur

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The End of 2023

[Seoul, Korea]

I sat there, staring into the mirror with a thousand thoughts running through my mind. My heart felt like it would jump out of my chest as I held the drugstore-bought pregnancy stick against my chest when the doorbell rang. I didn't even have to walk to the door when it opened and Taeyong stuck his head in, finally making his way in and closing the door behind him. He took one look at my face and he sighed.

It has been three years since I graduated from SM University. Three years since I've parted with Yuta and as much as I hated it, he sometimes flittered through my mind sometimes. The first year after I graduated, I went back to my small town to visit my family—to forgive and forget about the traumatic past they put me through. Upon looking at my tarot cards, they told me I would never live a good life and never get married if didn't do so that year.

And as small towns do, I ended up getting married after only six months of dating the guy.

He wasn't that bad. He was one of the boys who I hated when I was young, but he was a city man. He worked a lot and our marriage was out of respect for each other and needless to say, I ended up falling for him more than I expected. Was it one-sided? Maybe. But my mother told me that harder I worked; he may love me back.

And like she said, he was a bit more affectionate than before and we were going down a journey of trying to get used to each other.

Until he came home drunk one day.

And no, Taeyong didn't know.

I've only told Taeyong the good parts of our marriage and I wasn't going to change that anytime soon. We had our own apartment in Seoul and Taeyong, being a sound engineer in one of the top production companies often called me out for lunch and dinner. We stopped talking for a while because... life. But I needed him now, more than ever.

"Where's Joohyuk?" Taeyong asked me and I chewed on my bottom lip. "What's going on Charm?"

"He's in Japan," I told Taeyong. "Taeyong, it's been three months since my period."

"Sorry?" Taeyong asked, his eyebrows furrowing when suddenly realization hit. "Charm... you're—"

"I don't know," I answered a little bit too quickly. "Maybe not, Taeyong. Maybe it's just my hormones."

Taeyong let out a breath, his eyes on the pregnancy stick in my hand when he raised an eyebrow.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" he asked, grabbing me by the shoulders to push me to the toilet. "You need to find out, Charm. Jesus, we haven't even spoken in three months and I can't believe you called me for this."

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