Chapter 5 - Theater Of Regret

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Now, since they saw the app, everyone was staring at their phones as if they were frozen. Speechless they then looked at each other, locking eyes with a high sense of nervousness as the silence continued on.

Being the first one to decide to speak up again, Morgana sounded serious; "well... There we have it" The feline jumped onto a nearby table at their temporary hideout, his tail stroking over the chair as his pupils narrowed "Now to the even more important part..."

"the keywords..." the short girl with bright orange hair and straight-cut bangs finished the sentence quietly, although it was calmly said, she was just as nervous as the rest. Looking up from the floor, Futaba tried to get the others to start to guess.

Looking to their Navigator, Makoto decided to start with the guessing; "we should try and see if he even 𝘩𝘢𝘴 one first." Of course, the others all approved with a nod, who would deny something the great student council president said after all.

So as they entered the name into it, the Thieves were nervously fidgeting as they waited for its reaction;
and then...

"it was a hit?!"

Ryuji blurted out after seeing the unwanted reaction of the app, the rest being shocked as well, they looked at each other again with anxiousness in their eyes and trembling hands.

"woah..." Ann tried to get the uncomfortable silence to stop once more, they all seemed troubled with the fact that Akira would have distorted desires, but they wouldn't be able to change it without infiltrating the palace as usual.

"Getting all worked up now already won't do anything" the cat tried to calm them down "we 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰 get this done" he said with determination and confidence in his voice.

Yusuke moved a bit of his dark blue hair out of his face and closed his  grayish eyes "Indeed, we have to help him like he has helped us"
The other thieves nodded with approval again, also determined to pull this off, they had slight smiles on their faces.

"uhm... Sorry to intrude but ah... what could it even be?" Haru interrupted their early triumph and asked the others quietly and politely, like she usually would.

... The room turned silent again before they started to seriously get to work. "Well we already have the name of course... Location would be... the Cafe LeBlanc?" Makoto suggested as she looked back to her phone, but to their surprise, that wasn't right.

"Of cou- Wait what?!" Ryuji was quite shocked that that wasn't the location.
But they all decided to keep on guessing.


But there was no hit. Just as Futaba randomly talked about something with palaces, the MetaNav seemed to react.

"...the Metaverse..? Is that even possible?" Ann asked in visible confusion as they were looking at what the hit was.
"It's not even that far fetched, Lady Ann" the black feline replied, his tail swinging around as they kept on thinking.

"well, we have the location. What does he think of it?" Ryuji asked as he started to randomly eat a candy bar, getting bonked immediately by the blonde model though. "ow--"

"ugh..." Makoto sighed "Please, this is serious" she said as she sat up even more straight, adjusting her skirt a bit as they continued to guess the last key word.

Saying random words, Haru somehow came up with "movie theater"
and it was a hit.

"𝘉𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘕𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯"

- 𝐀𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 - Where stories live. Discover now