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Dear diary,
I slept with Billie for the first time since her arrival. In her chambers, the walls were painted a soft white and in the middle of the room was a bed much larger than mine.
I covered myself in the cool white sheets from the blazing sun pouring into the glass windows of the grand room.
Pink flower petals were invited in by the wind and laid on the floor with others that came before them.
"Stop hiding from me!" She giggled as she pulled me by the waist and yanked the covers over her head as well before placing a fragile kiss upon my lips.
"I just look different after I wake up, I look like a witch." I whined whilst trying to break free from her tight hold on me.
"You look beautiful, you always have." She gushed while rubbing her thumb against my lower lip.
I stared into her clear blue eyes and blushed before pressing the tip of my nose against hers.
"Shall we continue reading?" I questioned before emerging from under the sheets and reaching out for the "Romeo and Juliet" that laid lifelessly on her nightstand.
She sat up against the bed frame and draped her arm around my shoulder once I laid my head against her chest, opening the book and flipping the pages until I got to where we left off.
It was the scene in the play where Mercutio was stabbed to death by Tybalt and claimed the wound was nothing but a "scratch".
"This is my favorite part!" I squealed excitedly.
I began to read, taking the part of Romeo.
"Beat down their weapons.
Gentlemen, for shame, forbear this outrage!
Hold, Tybalt! good Mercutio!"
Billie chuckled at how aggressively passionate I became and took up the part of Mercutio once he was stabbed.
"I am hurt!" She exclaimed, holding back a loud laugh.
"A plague o' both your houses-" She continued before being interrupted by the sound of one of my maids opening the door and letting herself in.
"Oh my." She gasped as she observed us with wide eyes.
Billie slowly moved her arm off me and I sat up with caution.
"What are you two doing?" She questioned, a small shriek escaping her lips as she did.
"We were only reading." I replied.
Billie said nothing but made an audible gulp.
"What are you doing here so early?" I demanded.
"It's not early at all, it's evening your highness, but if you wish, I will tidy up your room first then return to clean this room after."
"Please. And knock before you walk in, it's rude to not do so." I huffed as she scurried out.
"Do you think we would get into any kinds of trouble?" Billie asked me as she hesitated to hold me again.
"Nothing is going to happen, I promise you."
Dear diary,
Billie and I spent the rest of the evening reading and sharing grapes with wine out in the garden.
"You said they would get used to me. They haven't." Billie pouted as she attempted to pet one of the koi fish.
"They're fish dear, not dogs." I replied while laying on the grass, basking in the setting sun's soft rays.
"Do you even have dogs?"
"No. Father was deathly allergic to them."
"You should have gotten many then, it would be a less embarrassing death for him." She blurted out.
I gasped and sat up, looking at her wide eyed before toppling over back to the grass, laughing hysterically.
Billie joined me on the bed of green and let out a series of giggles herself.
Once I calmed down ,I let out a heavy sigh and helped myself to a handful of grapes.
"Do you think we can do this?" She asked while gently laying her hand on my waist.
"Do what?"
"Keep this, what we're doing, a secret?"
"Eating grapes isn't a crime is it?"
She smiled at me softly before pecking my lips.
"I meant doing something like that."
"Like what?" I teased, making her kiss me again.
She pulled away and looked into my eyes while grabbing my hand and kissing it as she always does.
"Are you afraid of angering your brother?" I grinned.
"We are both well aware that he has eyes for the girl that runs that poor flower shop."
"Then what are you afraid of?"
"Losing you." Was all she said.
A shiver went down my spine as I thought back to the look on my maids face when she had barged into Billie's chambers.
From what she saw it probably did look odd but I could find an excuse, any excuse, to keep us from looking suspicious.
"You won't." I smiled and held her hand tightly.
"Have you ever heard of reincarnation?" She requested suddenly while turning on her back, eyes facing the sky and never letting go of my hand.
"Isn't it against the church to think that way?" I challenged.
"Isn't what we're doing against the church as well?" She cocked a brow before side-eyeing me.
"Go ahead, enlighten me."
"There's an idea that a philosopher told my mother once, years ago before I was even born. They were hung of course, once the church found out about the idea they were spreading but my mother told me that reincarnation is the belief of life even after death." Billie informed.
"Like heaven and hell? Eternal happiness or eternal suffering?"
"No." She shook her head.
"Our souls evolve and become another being. Whether it be an animal, an insect maybe even another human, after death your soul becomes another form of life."
"I like this idea." I admitted.
"Me too." She agreed. "In some regions where this idea is accepted, they believe that even soulmates can find each other over and over again no matter who or what they reincarnate into." Billie added.
"Do you think we're soulmates?" I turned to her but her eyes were already on me.
"We found each other didn't we?" She sat up before planting a kiss on my forehead.
"Let's go back in, the sun is setting and dinner is going to be served soon." I stood up and dusted the back of my dress before taking her hand and making our way back into the palace.
"Just in time for dinner!" Jen stated, her back facing us as she set up dinner.
We let go of each other's hands and helped her with the scenery of the dining table.
"What's this?" I asked, pointing at the small tulips tucked behind her ear. It looked like it came from the bouquet the jester had given her yesterday night.
"It's nothing." She blushed.
"You seem happy Jen. I'm glad." I smiled as we began to place food on the golden plates.
"I went out for a walk yesterday, the wind was nice." She sighed happily.
"Where is my friend Jen and what have you done to her." I joked before making a third plate for Finneas.
"Oh he went out to the village. He claimed he won't be back until tomorrow night." She informed before taking the plate from my hands.
"That's no problem, just eat with us then." I stated while taking a seat.
"Are you sure?" She questioned with an unsure look on her face.
"Of course! You can also invite that kind Jester that's currently in one of the guest chambers to eat with us as well." I grinned while watching the color fade from her face.
"How do you know of that!?"
"Don't worry I'm happy you've made a new friend, however, word does spread around this palace quite fast."

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