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Time flew away, and it was time for the inter-school fest again. The girls practiced for their last ever inter-school fest at St. George with all their hearts.

"You know what, even though we have always been so competitive towards each other I have had a great time with the boys there. I feel sad that I will never see them after this year". Riya turned emotional like never before.

"You are right, Riya. We all literally grew together. Even though I hate when they get the first position."

"Noor, don't you feel sad"?

"Definitely. Anjali is right. We kind of grew up together. We met most of the boys in primary classes for the first time. Now, look at us. One step away from college. We have known each other since such a small age. It is indeed difficult to think we won't see most of them ever again".

"Noor, May I ask you something?"

"Is it about Reyhan?"


"I know you all have doubts for many years about our relationship. I never in my life thought I would have such a deep relation with a boy. Ever since we were small, we have only heard stories of Xaverian girls being their girlfriends and them being our boyfriends. Don't you remember Riya, we used to judge every boy talking to us only because they want to be our boyfriend. Even when I became close to Reyhan I had this thought in my mind. Was he being close to me because he has a crush on me or something? But it was never. It was the purest friendship I ever had with a boy. I have never even once felt even a little discomfort around him. I have felt just like I am with you guys. Even my doubt on him vanished into thin air unknowingly. We became best friends, just like that. And I am afraid that I would lose his friendship once this school life is over. I will never find a friend like him ever".

Riya came forward and hugged Noor so tightly.

"I didn't like it when you call him best friend, though. Don't repeat it."

The girls stepped down at St Georges for one last time in their life. Reyhan and John were there, right in the front.

"So, the last battle, right?" Noor sighed.

"Welcome girls for the last time." John took us to the registration desk.

"Don't you dare tell anyone? The best friends are allotted the last two chest numbers."

"Oh John, I will miss you."

Noor and Riya walked to the green room.

"Noor, is the makeup and hairdo okay?", a junior popped in front of Noor.

"Ya, it's beautiful. Just draw that eye lining bit longer", Noor suggested.

"Thanks, Noor. We should not lose the victory even for this slightest matter."

Noor looked at Riya. They realized that this time it was not about victory or trophy for them. This time it was all about friendship and celebration. You realize the value of something only when you are about to lose it.

"Do you remember how thirsty we were for success when we came here for the first time? I don't feel likewise this time. I just wish that this fest lasts forever."

Noor had never heard Riya being so emotional before. But she knew that it was time to leave behind something precious.

As Noor entered the extempore venue, she couldn't help herself from being aware that this is the last time. She smiled at all the familiar faces. She directed the juniors to their seats.

"Girls, do your best." She felt that it was only yesterday that she came to this place along with Amrutha.

"Noor". The voice startled her, just like it did for the first time many years back. "Oh, you look terrible".

"I know, Reyhan. But I can't help myself from the thought that school life is almost done".

"Senior section, follow me".

Reyhan and Noor walked to the room for the last time.

"Don't you feel anything, Reyhan?"

" Noor, I am the organizer of this fest. I can't sulk myself thinking about it. I just try to experience this moment happily. And you better do the same."

They sat at the same class and same bench this year too. As usual, they had things to talk about, about anything and everything. It's surprising to see them talking. As if nothing else in the world matters. But this time it included the nostalgia and the future.

"Reyhan, do you think we would be friends after school too?"

"I don't know. I wish we were."

"I have this weird feeling that you might escape from me."

"Oh, let us wait and watch who is going to be busy."

"I will miss you".

"I will miss you too".

"Do you know many think we are in a relationship"?

"I know. I have come across this question many times. Mostly the boys want to know whether you are single."

"Oh, that's so sad." Noor laughed.

Noor was the last one to perform the extempore. She saw many familiar faces in the audience this time. Riya, Anjali, Ann, John, Rahul, Renu mam, Jasmine mam, Anand sir, Reyhan, and many more. Noor gave her best at the extempore. Not sure whether she would get another stage in her life again, Noor made this speech the best in her life, in front of some best friends she had earned through her school life. She completed the speech and got down from the podium. Noor felt as if a whole part of her life has ended.

She came upon the stage for the first time when she was 10 years old. It had been seven years since her life revolved around these stages. Noor earned most of her life lessons from these stages. To get down from the stage turned out to be difficult for Noor. She couldn't control herself. She wept. The clapping sounds from the audience reminded her about every single moment of hers on the stage. Noor outgrew her age at her extempore competitions. She was so much in love with the stage that to take leave indefinitely turned out to be painful for her. Noor came down to the crowd. To her favorite teachers, to her friends, making them proud for one last time. To St. George boys, winning over their hearts and trophy for the one last time.

The girls brought home, the cup with a record lead. 

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