Chapter 1: The Storm that No One Expected

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*Alison's POV*
    You arrived during the storm the nobody expected. The sky was open and grumbling in loud roars and moans. Rain came down like it had never met the earth before as the ground often seemed to tremble in time with the thunder. I found myself feeling somewhat threatened at the act of vengeance on our small town from Mother Nature.

    My mind began to wonder to simpler times...simpler places...simpler things. I could feel a soft smile spread across my face thinking of my mother making Sunday dinner while my brother and I played outside in the crisp autumn air. For a moment I could smell the trees and the freshly cut grass as if I were right back out on the farm. That was until the abrasive scent of rubbing alcohol and saline seemed to take over every sense I had.

    I gave a quick shake to my umbrella so I wouldn't track water through the hospital and pulled my blonde lockes out of the neck of my coat. I had thrown it on so quickly to dash through the rain that it stayed firmly planted in the collar which I'm sure has made me into a frizzy, frazzled looking mess.

    Oh well... I thought. These places aren't made for fashion shows and pageantry.

    My inner monologue was quickly muted at the sight of you.

    I thought I knew what love was...or could have been...or would have been...or should have been. All of the above. I had an arbitrary idea of what it meant to care for another person and to watch them grow. But when I saw you...I realized I had never even felt before.

    My body lay dormant for years until you. One look and I felt my bones comes alive. One touch and I could feel my lungs breathing- aware of every inflation and how air came and went from my chest. At the sound of your voice I felt my skin rise towards the sky and float along with the clouds.

    "Are you...sure you're okay?" I heard an inquisitive voice echo through my daze. I hadn't even realized that you had bumped me into the registration desk of the emergency room.

    Emergency! The emergency room? Are YOU okay? Why would something that could land you in this hospital ever happen to someone as perfect as you? My mind began racing- worried about someone who is a complete stranger. Stranger? Well we'll have to change that...what did you say your name was? Your name, oh my god! I don't even know your name.

    I quickly ripped myself from my eternal stream of thoughts and fumbled an introduction. "Alison." I said with full confidence. However, your confused gaze made me question that confidence. You remained silent. " my name. What did you say yours was?"

    "I didn't..." Great. Now you think I'm weirdo... "Emily." You extended a soft smile letting me know you were only teasing. "Are you okay?" I followed your gaze down to my left hand. Were you checking for a ring on my finger?

    I most certainly am yours for the taking... I chuckled to myself before realizing why your gaze actually trailed down to my hand.

    "Oh...oh, God!" I exclaimed seeing a sizable amount out of blood trickle from the pad of my pointer finger and onto the blindingly white tile of the ER. At this point it was mostly out of embarrassment rather than worry for my own being.

    Lousy, cheap umbrella... I chastised myself internally for not investing a few more dollars on something that wouldn't pinch the living hell out of me and cause me to bleed in front of such an astounding woman. I looked around for the box of tissues that is normally perched on the registration desk. Failing to spot something that would help solve the issue at hand (ha) I locked eyes with you again. My embarrassment faded as I saw your furrowed brow. You were so concentrated and I was too busy being completely enamored to notice your hand out stretched towards me.

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