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Morning. A clouded morning, carrying a grey sky.

Uraraka opened the door. Izuku was sitting on the floor, staring at the bed. "She's healed." He uttered quiet but stern.

"Heh?" Blink. Uraraka checked the sleeping Jirou. "Eh? But how?"

"My quirk." He folded his arms over his knees resting his chin. Izuku remembered in the middle of the night, that he healed Toga one time, crying over her body. Tears.

"Your quirk? Amazing!"

Izuku stood, he adjusted his clothes. "Her quirk didn't regenerate." He paused, before deciding to take a few steps towards the door. "Sorry for bothering you with this, Uraraka."

"Wait, you're leaving?" Uraraka rushed out to the hallway. She scampered closer to him grabbing his shoulder. "B-But what do I do when she wakes up?"

Izuku didn't answer at her tugs. He kept his eye forward and narrow. He didn't know what to do either.

For anything or anyone.

"... I'm... I'm okay."

Both Uraraka and Izuku froze. They turned back to see a strained Jirou. She was bundled with the blankets, hugging them close around her. Uraraka gasped and instantly ran to her side. Jirou gave a weak smile to her concerned action.

Izuku had a curious eye. She was staying strong. 'Last night she cried her self to sleep. She's... She's not okay.' Izuku balled his fist. She was really tough, but she was still suffering.

"Thanks!" Her uneven, blood stained, bangs swept across her eyes. Eyes that were a liquid glass of bloodshot. She had swelled, puffy, eyelids. Her cheeks were smudged with salty trails from tears the night before. Her fingers clutched the blankets. She was cold. So cold.

Izuku tensed at the fragile sight.

"I'll be fine."

And fragile voice.

'No you won't.' Izuku's eye was downcast. He nodded his head, turning back to the door. He opened it, taking his leave.

"B-But you'll be there, right? T-To save me?"

Uraraka stared with worry. Jirou didn't sound like a hero... She sounded like a victim. She was a victim.

His back muscled tensed, raising his body straight. He didn't answer her question, closing the door with a gentle click.

"Feel better."

Izuku sighed, staring up at the abandoned building they lived in. Toga was in there. He entered with hollow steps.

"Izuku, darling!" She tackled him into a hug, as soon as he entered the apartment room they all lived in. "I was waiting for you! What took so long?!" She whined, tapping the flat side of her blade on his chest, she twisted the tip slightly, cutting into the fabric of his shirt.

Izuku winced once the blade cut the skin. He grabbed her wrist and forced a smile. "Uraraka helped me. I-It took all night."

Toga lit up, pulling her knife back and showing her glee with pretend stabs. "See, I did a something great for you, ne? I bet she won't be a hero anymore! She's going to need my heroic Izuku to save her!" Toga had a dreamy gaze. "It was so magical when you were covered in her blood carrying her away. I was so jealous! One day, maybe, I'll experience that euphoria!"

 Unsung Hero: Corruption Where stories live. Discover now