Raindrop Acoustic

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"A date?" Gran Torino rubbed his chin.

"N-No! It's not like that Gran Torino sir!" Izuku had his fist nervously clamped shut over his lap. "She... She hasn't left her house since the Toga incident." Izuku's eye calmed as he finished, sadly staring at the kitchen table.

Gran Torino lifted his coffee mug, took a thoughtful sip, and placed it back down. "I see. Hm, you have to be careful handling these situations. That poor girl has been through a lot. The journey to recovery isn't that easy."

"I know, Gran Torino, Sir. But I don't want to leave her like that..."

"Well I see you have your hands full kid, don't worry I'll give you some leeway in terms of liberty and curfew."

"Thank you, Gran Torino, sir."

"Don't thank me, kid, you just have to do your job as a hero that's all." Then the microwave chimed. "Oh, there's dinner!" He hopped off his chair and happily went to get his food.

"My job as a hero..." He mumbled to himself. Izuku's eye grew liquid thinking of Jirou's words the day he left her with Uraraka.

"B-But you'll be there, right? T-To save me?"

"Man! It's still raining!" The sunshine that is Uraraka complained. She opened up her umbrella as they began to walk out of school.

"How should I ask Jirou for a day out?"

"Eeh! D-Deku!" His sudden question caused her umbrella to fumble around her hands as she tried to unfold it. "What are you talking about?!" She blurted with rosy cheeks. She didn't even think Izuku was interested in something romantic, Dabi and Toga had that vibe but him too? "Y-You can't take advantage of her. She's in a delicate place right now! That's definitely something Dabi would do!" Accidentally blurting that last part out then steaming up imagining it.

Izuku furrowed his eyebrows. "What?" Until he understood what she was saying. His cheeks tinted up slightly and he stared directly at the ground in shame. "N-No, I didn't mean it like that." He tried to explain with stuttering posture. "I was just thinking of a way to help her get outside... I think it could help her. I wasn't thinking of... anything weird."

Uraraka's face shifted from embarrassed confusion to delighted intrigue, especially after she saw how his eyepatch squirmed with innocent intent as he explained. "That's a good idea, Deku!" Uraraka looked up past the brim of the umbrella. "Hey, you should ask her out today!"

Izuku's eye almost bulged out. "H-Huh?! I can't just-"

"Sure you can! Jirou once told me, the rain is her favorite! This is probably your best chance to get her outside." Her eyes began to twinkle with the joyous thoughts of Jirou being more social. "I really want to help her... I really want to see her back at school..." Her eyes twinkled a bit sadder this time, a small liquid bubbled over the surface. "So you have to help her, Deku... Okay?"

"Uraraka..." He gulped before nodding. "Y-Yeah."

Uraraka wiped her eyes and refused to sniffle. She had to be strong for Jirou's sake. She lifted her head with determination. "Let's start planning operation: Make Jirou Smile!"

Izuku's lips lifted at her charisma. "Yeah! Let's start!"

"Let's head to your place! Oh, and I'm gonna need your phone!" She happily chirped to the confused Deku.

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