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Izuku stared at the ceiling, then back down to the counter. A photo slid into his view. He focused his eye. It was a picture of a masked man. 'That's the one who was in the alley with the little girl.' Midoriya faced Dabi.

"Look familiar?" He placed his elbow on the counter, resting his head on his palm.

Izuku nodded. "Yeah, he was with her..."

"They call him Overhaul. He's a leader in the yakuza. I hear he's trying to plan a meeting with the League of Villains."

Izuku's face had serious thought, holding the photo in between his thumb and index finger. "The league..."

"Make your move Stain!" Toga giggled.

"Mhmmm..." He was brooding with his arms crossed.

Dabi's eyes lazily roamed to the cut up table by a window. They were playing chess. "Lazy day, huh?" He stretched his arm over his head. "I could go for a nap." Even though he knew he wouldn't get any snoozes.

Izuku's eyebrows furrowed. "If I ask Bartender-san, maybe I can be a part of it." Referring to the meeting.

Dabi's eyes narrowed as he rested his head back on the couch. "I'll tag along... We can build trust with certain people."

"And kill the rest, right?!" Toga chirped in.

"Certain alliances would help." Stain made his move, his knight landing on a pawn. "But I prefer working alone." Taking the piece.

Toga whined that her pawns reminder her of Deku and they were meant only to be strategic sacrifices.

"Don't worry, it would be beneficial in terms of doing what you please." Dabi was working to build a small network of resources only. 'For now.' He could expand later if the opportunity was ripe.

Izuku turned on his stool to face the TV as Dabi turned it on. The news.

A peaceful lazy day for them. Izuku didn't know what to think about it. 'Villains can have something normal like this, right?'

The night was different.

"Wh-What is this?" Izuku was trembling on the ripped leather chair, staring at the news. They all were with their own reactions. 'This... This is All-Might?!' All the memories of the number one hero burned to ashes from the image displayed.

"Ooh?" Dabi's eyebrow rose with a scoff.

Toga glanced at the TV, at Izuku, then back at the TV. She knew how valuable the number one hero was to Izuku.

Stain was surprised and disappointed. This was the symbol of peace?

On the screen, in front of the small villain group, was the image of an almost skeleton fragile All-Might.

Izuku's eye grew horrid. It was him... The one fighting All-Might. "He's the one ..!" The way he copied All-Might's smile in mocking.

Toga asked about his serious whisper. "Izuku?... Izuku!" He had sprinted out the door with determination in his emerald orb. She instantly followed after.

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