Unsung Lullaby

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Drip. Drip. Drip.

The sky was a never-ending grey abyss, dropping shattered fragments onto the city.

The rain pelted his coat. His black spikey hair defied gravity, swaying with the misty breeze. He was standing on a sidewalk, staring at the café across the street. He gripped his fist shut and released. His tired dopey eyes glared past the window. He ignored the warm sensation in his chest seeing her act as her usual ditsy airhead self.

"Tch." He clicked his teeth. He put his hands in his pockets and walked away.

Uraraka set down a tray of food. She felt a shiver, she perked up, "huh?" She glanced to the window. Her eyes widened seeing him disappear from view. Her eyes softened with a liquid surface. "Dabi..." She bit her lip, deciding. "Cover for me, I'll be back soon!" She off-handed to her co-worker.

The doorbell chimed as she ran outside. "W-Wait!" Running across the street. She kept running until she reached the spot he left from view. She impatiently clicked her boots on the ground. "Geez, don't run off like that."

A blue spark caught her peripheral vision. She turned to the alley. She knew it had to be him. She flared her nostrils with a confident huff before walking ahead. Her steps began to stutter as she grew closer to the darkness.

" Yo."

Her eyes widened. Before she could react, his hand clamped around her mouth, pushing her against the wall. He put his index finger to his lips.

"Ssh, Ssh..." He had that laid back sadistic stare. Her eyes softened, she nodded. He decided for a few seconds before, sliding his grip down to her neck, still keeping her in a threatening embrace.

"How... How h-have you been..?" She struggled out in gasps.

That threw him for a loop, but then again that's why he came, he didn't understand her. He bit the side of his lip, glaring out the alley. "I'm alive..."

He pretended not to care for the small giggle she threw his way. She calmly placed her hand on the wrist gripping her. "I missed that... Your sarcasm, I mean." Her lips lifted as his hand grew weaker. "Did... Did you miss-..." She couldn't finish. He was staring down, his hair shadowing his eyes, and his fingers were twitching around her neck.

"Oi... What is this? You know I'm a villain, right? Why are you still acting like that, like we're still on good terms?"

She squirmed on her tippy-toes. "Oh, s-sorry I slapped you." She looked off, guilty.

He accidentally sucked in his breath, growing slight wide eyes. "That's not, that's not what I meant..."

"...I had a long talk with Deku a while back. He told me about the lives you guys have lived. I know you're a villain... But, but," she held his hand warmly, her voice was cracking earnestly. "B-But you're... You're still my friend, ne?"

The rain echoed on the city crackling pebbles. The wind scattered the droplets violently around them... And yet, in the eye contact they shared, there was a serene whirlwind of gravity-defying liquid orbs shared timelessly between them.

He couldn't hold back his gasp and his eyes fully growing wide, again because of her. His hand let go of her neck, dropping to the side. "I'm sorry." He whispered as the moment passed.

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