Chapter 2

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A little later Clay stared at Mega who was still tied up and blindfolded.

Noone's POV

"Tell me Mega. What do you know Jacob." his voice was so deep, but nothing came from Mega. Clay tried to make him speak, but with no success.
They were alone in living room.
"Come on Mega. Speak up."
Clay was getting a bit unpatient.
"You think you can get away with being silent? Well do i have news for you. You can't. So you better tell me or else."
He tired to control himself, so he wouldn't accidentally kill him. Just like he did to Wilbur. ... Wilbur...
"Nothing. This would have never happened if Jacob excited." he slowly said as he was reaching out for his neck.
"Clay?" he snapped out of whatever that just was, backed away and looked to the stairs.
"Zak is all good and Darryl is very slowly calming down. Everything good down here?" George asked.
Clay nodded and stood, but whispered to Mega.
"We are not done with our conversation." and made his way upstairs.

Mega was left alone, but camera's were watching him regardless.

Clay then stopped.

"Give me a quick second George!" he said walking back downstairs to Mega.
"Okey." George said.

Clay walked back to Mega and staring him down. Something about him felt off. He took off the Blindfold from Mega, but he kept his eyes shut for a moment before opening them. Looking into his light brown golden eyes.
Clay reached his hand out for Mega's left eye. Mega shook his head around, but Clay just grabbed his face and took something out from his eye.

He looked at it for a second and realized it was a contact lens. Looking up to Mega he saw his eye was closed, but forced opened it to see a light purple eye.

It took him a moment to realise that it was real.

"What" he said in disbelief. "You. ... You had this all along-?!" noone except Jacob knew about Mega's other eye.
"This wasn't your real eye colour?!"
Only his left eye was the light purple. The other one was brown golden.
"What is this shit?! Is this a tracker or something?! Answer me!" he was furious. He grabbed Mega and pulled him to him. "ANSWER ME TRAITOR!"


"Clay? Is everything alright down there?" George asked as he walked downstairs.
"Clay!" he quickly walked to them.
George couldn't calm him down at the moment, so he called Sapnap to come down and help him out. Taking Clay away from Mega.

The situation way difficult.


Clay was shouting and cursing at Mega, while he still kept quiet, yet he looked angry. Sapnap kept Clay pinned down on the ground, since he wouldn't stay still. Vincent peaked from upstairs a little just to see what was going on, but quickly walked back.

Clay/Dream's POV

"LISTEN! LOOK! LOOK AT THIS SHIT!" i shouted and pointed with my eyes to my right hand. Sapnap looked over to my hand and squinted for a split second. He finally let me free and i handed it over to him. "There! Look! Take it!"
"What is that?" George asked.
"It's a contact lens. Where did you get this?" Sapnap asked me.

"It's from Mega! Just look at him again! Do you see that!" pointing at him, but he closed his eyes again. I felt my eye twitching and forced his eyes open again. "There! Look!"
They stepped closer and saw that he had one light purple eye.
"Wait- so.." they looked at the lens again and then back at Mega.
"Holy shit." they both said at the same time.
"Throw it away. Destroy it. Now."
Sapnap threw it on the ground and stomped on it. We all turned to Mega again.

. . .

. . .

  . . .

"Talk or i'll make you talk." i said furiously in a deep voice.

Vincent/A6d's POV

Only peaked for a few seconds and that's what i saw. Great. Nice. Yes.


I sat on the ground, while Darryl sat next to Zak on the bed. What the hell is even happening here. I was about to say something to Darryl, but kept my mouth shut, since i didn't want to break the quote on quote, quiet moment here. He looked so sad at Zak and a little broken still. Damnit, he was doing so much better and now this. Fucking great.


Looking around alot i really didn't know what to do. Clay and his... well.. uh.. them, were still doing stuff. I don't really know what's happening down there.


I took off my glasses since they were a bit dirty and cleaned them. Looking at Darryl without my glasses for a bit and then putting them back on. Darryl suddenly spoke to which i flinched, since i wasn't expecting it.

"Hey...uh..  Vincent..?"
"Y-yea?" i stuttered.
"Do you think that... that we'll li- that this will end or ... you know.." he didn't even look at me tho.
I stayed quiet for a second and then said "I'm sure that we'll be alright Darryl. We will all get through this together."

. . .

"Do..  do you promise..?"

. . .

I hesitated.

. . .

"... i promise."

. . .

It was quiet again.

. . .

Did i make a mistake by saying that...
no. No no no. It's going to be fine.

. . .

I hope.

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