Chapter 9

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Clay/Dream's POV

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I slowly open my eyes and looked around. "Where am i? Huh? A bed..." Looking down and then up again i realized that i was in a bedroom. More specifically in a small house and there was one window. I stood up and walked towards it, opening it.

There was a beautiful grassfield, with some flowers further away and a person. ... "Wait a second what." i took a closer look and squinted with my eyes a bit.
There really was someone. They looked familiar to someone i know or knew. They looked of to the side carrying something on their back.
Then i heard the person say something or rather sing... it was very faint.

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"Tiptoe through the window,
By the window, that is
where I'll be, ..."

I slowly walked out the window and followed their voice

"Come tiptoe through the
tulips with me..."

Finding myself in the flowerfield now, almost near the person. Who are you and why are you so familiar to me...

"Oh, tiptoe from the garden..."

Could it be... that.. .
I reached my hand out to them. Slowly.

"By the garden of the
willow tree
And tiptoe through the
tulips with me..."

They turned around with a smile. Not opening their eyes

"Knee deep in the flowers we'll
We'll keep the showers
away, ..."

. . .

"W-wilbur...?" i said as i could feel my tears falling down my cheeks and very inch of my body shaking.

He opened his eyes, they widened and blinked a few times. We were staring at eachother for a minute. Then, he just smiled at me.
"Hello Dream." his voice was soft, his smile giving a warm happy feeling, yet he seemed sad.
"Long time no see buddy."

"W-wi-ilbur... i-i .. i am so..  so sorry-"
He pulled me into a hug.
"You don't need to talk. I accept your apology, even when it wasn't really you who did this."

I started sobbing, after he said that and grabbed him in a tight hug back.

"Not everyone may see me now. See me, the way you do, but i can asure you ... that i'll always be here for you."
I slowly let myself fall into his arms, as we fell onto the graden with the beautiful tulips.

He pats my back as i layed on top of him, shaking bad.
"Noone can hurt us here."
His voice was so comforting.
"I-i i am... so.. s-sorr-y for..  be-eing s.. so horrible t-to y-you Wilbur..."
"It's fine. I know you can't handle specific things in your life. We can all get through this."
We layed there in silence for awhile.


"Do you want to start over?"
I looked at him still sobbing.

I sat down on the ground with Wil infront of me.

"Here, my name is Wilbur, but can also call me Wil. What's your name?"
I wiped my tears away.
"Nice name. I'm Clay, but people also call me Dream."
He smiled at me.
"Oh, you also have a nice name."

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Time seems very slow here.
As if time stopped
As if time wasn't even a thing

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"You play the guitar really wonderful Wil." i said giving him a warm smile.
"Thank you Clay. Do want to listen to one of my songs i made?"
"Sure. I'd love to."
He prepared himself for a minute and then began.
"It's called, the internet ruined me."
he said before starting.


"My keyboard is like my heart, it shines in RGB and it's full blood. I don't know what is wrong with me, but i'm scared, pissed if and lonely. Morning. ...."

His voice and guitar playing was so nice and beautiful. He sang it with full passion and i closed my eyes slowly. It was so chill.

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  . . .

And then it ended.

"That was really amazing Wil. Really liked it." i felt alot better than before.
"Thank you so much. Working on them is hard, but worth it in the end."
"I think i could imagine how hard it is. Uhm.. say, Wil, ..."
"I don't really know if i should ask or if you could even answer this question.."
"Go ahead. It's okey."
",but.. what even is this place and how am i able to see you? It's a little confusing."

"Ah, ..." he layed his guitar aside. "It's sort if a long story, but i think i have enough time to explain everything. ...
Look, even i can't really explain what this place is, haven't been here for that long, but i would say that this is our little world. Noone except you and i can be here. You can visit me here everytime you are asleep or unconscious in general, but i can also be outside in the real world. And like i said before, not everyone may be able to see me the way you do. I can choose to make people see me in the real world, even tho i'm dead. I'm like a ghost. It's weird and hard to explain, so you'll see it later how it is. Uhm... yea. Anything else?"

I thought for a little while.
"Uh.. i don't really know... oh- yea, but i'm not sure if you can explain that. It's sounds a bit complicated, but i don't get this inner voice thing. Do you know anything about it?"
"Inner voice?"
"Yea, i have this inner voice, but they aren't very... nice, to put it that way. They are actually the reason why my leg is gone and ... well... the reason... you... you know." i struggled a little on that last bit.

"Oh. Yea, i remember that one thing. Yea, i realized after awhile that it really couldn't have been you. Oh oh! Now that remember it! I actually talked to Zak and Finn, and-"
"Wai-wai-wait! How- hu- you-?? What how and... wot??" i was so confused.
Wilbur just giggled.
"Not in the real world Clay. In a.. like.. what's the word again. Ah, purgatory sort of world. That's where i met Zak and Finn. They are nice. Zak was so confused and concerned after he saw me, because i had all the-" i cut him off saying that he didn't need to say it.

"Alright, so... i explained what happened and he was as confused as i was at first. We talked for a long time and how unlike it seemed for you. Zak did talk about how you are and how my experience were. It was real difference. After a long time Finn came into the water and i basically introduced myself like, Hi, im Wilbur and i'm slowly dying. Nice to meet you Finn. Which i thought was funny and true, since i was slowly disappearing. People who slowly disappear in this purgatory ment that they are dying and when they are completely gone, they are dead. And now i am here, i guess.

I just stared at him baffled.

"Anyway, back to Finn. We met, talked and played around, before i left. It was fun. Oh yea, purgatory there is like a swimming pool place. It's pretty cool and chill. You can't drown or get hurt or some other stuff, so yea. It was cool."
I shook my head and placed my hand on my forehead.
"Wait uh .. this is alot of information..
you... uhm.. you don't have the the... uh the bruises.. and ."

"Oh yea, they disappeared when i completely died. Don't know why, but i can make them appear again-"
"NO NO NO! Please don't!"
"Sorry sorry! Uhm... but yea. I think that's all? I think."
"I need to process all of this first.."
"It's all good. Let's just lay down again for now."

So we did. We layed back on the soft green grass. That was so much information i just... i have to process all of this first. Taking deep breaths.

The voice isn't even here with me, i just realized. They aren't tormenting me here.

. . .

Peace and quiet, at last.

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