Chapter 16

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The Night before


Wilbur wasn't back yet from his little adventure in the real world. Since he decided to watch over Fundy for a little while, before returning to Clay.

Clay/Dream's POV

Clay moved around the grass, breathing heavily, but then his eyes shot open and he jolted up. Sitting on green soft grass, he looked around clutching his head, seeming very much panicked. Noone was there.

"What the hell-? Huh? W-where is Wilbur? Wilbur! Wilbur!" i shouted his name a few times, but with no luck.
I slowly stood up and just looking around for awhile, before walking around this place, again.
"What the hell?" i looked down in the ground, because i could have sworn that i felt someth- Oh God! Jumping back and looking up again, my surroundings were starting to get weird. The ground wasn't that green soft grass, it was starting to get all bland, dead and somewhat red.
"What is happening to this world?! WILBUR PLEASE COME BACK!" i shouted for him to come back. WHERE IS HE?!
Running around this place and shouting Wilbur's name, i ended up finding, someone else.

He yawned and turned around to me.
"Oh- hey Clay. Did you had a good rest?"
Out of all the people i could have possibly met.
"Yea, keyword had."
Why in god's name are you here?! And how?!
"Mh, well this place looked better before. Hahah!"
"I don't get it! How are you here?! It can't be possible for you to be here!"
"What makes you think that? Of course i can be here. We are practically somewhat the same, remember?"
Not this again.
"I am nothing like you. Why do you keep saying that."
"Oh, come on Clay. Why don't we just enjoy our time here together, until morning? How about that?"
"Can't you just leave me alone for ONCE!"
Jacob just laughed.
"You know exactly that i'll never leave you and you can never leave me."
"What the hell are you even saying! This is nonsense!"
"It's not at all nonsense. You are just in denial, dear Clay."

Clay felt his anger boiling hot. He hated Jacob with every part of his body.

"I know we may not be on the best terms, but don't you think that your denial should take a turn to acceptance any time soon? Hm?"

. . .

"Acceptance... you want me, to turn my, not, denial to acceptance.."
"No.. i will not do that. Never-"
"Ah! Never say never, Clay."

. . .

Clay's anger started to very slowly faid away. Why?

"Just accept it Clay. I won't leave you and you won't leave me. Non of us can escape this, even if one us really wanted to."

"You are not fully what i am, which gives me more pro's, but sadly more con's for you."
"What do you mean?"
"Why would i tell you that?"
"... i don't know." i slightly looked away.
"Exactly. So just accept your fait. It's that easy. If you just accept it, i'll leave you in peace, for now atleast. What do you say?" his voice sounded dangerous, yet i felt myself slowly, very slowly, accepting that- i'll never escape this. Never escape Jacob. He's just going to be someone that is a part of.. me.  ...

Clay looked so- out. Jacob just held out his hand, so he could finally get him. Once and for all. Clay's reactions were slow, Jacob had some patients.
Right about as Clay would shake his hand this familiar voice snapped him out and quickly turned around.
"WILBUR?!" i ran towards him, but i was running slow.

"HEY COME BACK!" Jacob's voice turned furious, you could hear him running in the dead crunchy grass.
Wilbur ran towards me.
Jacob was so close to me, i could almost feel him.
"Clay, please! We just want you to feel better."
What- George? Is that you?
But the only person was Jacob.
"Hello Clay~."
Right as he was about to get me, i felt myself pulled from behind me.

"Get your filthy hands away from him."
Wilbur said aggressively.
"Tch" Jacob back off, but then smiled.
"He knows that he can't escape me. I will come back eventually. Don't worry."
"Look, i don't know who the fuck you are, what you want or how you even got here in the first place, but you definitely mean harm."

"What? Me? Harm? I wouldn't harm anyone here~. Me and Clay just wanted to talk about something. Right Clay~?" he bend down a bit to look me in the eyes.
I was shaking, jumbled thoughts in my head, looking Jacob directly into his eyes. Wilbur was holding me tightly in his arms like a child.
"I.. i.. we-" i choked in my words. His eyes, the way he looked- it scared me, but i felt compelled to just lie to Wilbur.
"Wilbur. Why are you so angry? Me and Clay are friends." his gaze was up at Wilbur.

"I don't believe that one second. Look at this place! Look at Clay! Everything did not look like before you came! You are no good for this place, him nor anyone else! Leave!" between Wil's talking i could hear a bepping sound at times. My vision was going blurry like every 5 to 10 seconds. I could hear them arguing, what was even happening. Ever single muscle of mine was slowly relaxing, not tensed up as before. Like someone going limp.

Wilbur's POV

"Huh?" i lifted Clay up, he was surprisingly getting very light. I turned him around to face me-

"Clay? Are- Clay? Are you alright?" i asked reluctantly.
". . ." he just stared at me blankly, what the fuck did he do to him.
"What did you do to him?!"
"Me? Nothing. I just wanted him to accept his fate." he smirked.
Fate? What is he talking about??
"Right, Clay?"  he looked at him again.
I didn't want Clay to face this- this person.

"My . . . fate" Clay mumbled. "I have to . . . accept my fate. . ."
"No no! You don't need to accept anything!" i lightly shook him.
"Accept . . . fate . . ."

. . .

"I'm glad! See you some time again! Goodbye!" the person just faded away quickly and the world around us turned normal again.

I had to sit down for a moment.

"Clay? Who was that? What was all of this?" i asked, tho he took a while to respond. He shok his head.
"I'm sorry . . . i don't know how he- well i probably know how, actually. T-that was Jacob... he was a friend of mine and the others. Yea... was." he sorta explained. "Wilbur?"
"Uh- yes?"

"I want to go back. I miss them."
"I understand and i think you are somewhat ready to do so, but please can you tell them about this Jacob person. So we can all finally get him arrested?" i asked him.
". . . okey."
"Thank you. If you need me, just call me."
"Will do..."
We hugged and closed our eyes.
. . .

The next morning.

Noone's POV

TapL looked through the window, staring at Clay. He saw him slightly moving. TapL's eyes widened in suprise and excitment.
"OH MY GOD! GUYS! CLAY IS WAKING UP!" he shouted very loudly. Noone really heared him tho, since the rooms they all slept in were sound prove.

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