Chapter 3

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Fundy's POV

"The rest is on their way Techno! Keep them distracted and away from there!"
i informed Techno and looked at my map of the city.
"... Wait- what is that?" i muttered to myself. Looking at my map closer. Something was near an abandoned beach. Was that a ... person? "Wait a second-" staring at my screens more carefuly and closer. "No way.."

Noone's POV

As Jacob and the rest of his people were following and fighting Dave and the others, Jacob turned around running back to Dave's house. Dave didn't realize it at first tho.
"You fucking bastard's. Think you're all so smart." he said to himself, running to the house. "Thinking that i wouldn't know where they were and that they kidnapped Mega. No worries. I would've found them either way, even if the lens saw broken." he thought to myself.

"Call me some extra people. We're breaking into Dave's house. Right. Now." he commanded.
Dave realized minutes later that Jacob wasn't there anymore and ran back.
"Keep them occupied TL!"
TL ran and fought the one's off who were still following him. One of them was following Dave.

He cursed himself for not noticing it quicker that Jacob left.

There was an explosion.

Followed by collective loud screams from Dave's house

He was more worried and angry than ever and ran faster and faster.

Dave/Technoblade's POV

"Fuck Fuck Fuck FUCK!" cursing under my breath i arrived and saw the front of my house blown up, but i didn't care for that right now.
Looking inside i saw that Mega was gone and blood flowed down the half broken stairs. Quickly running upstairs.

"GET AWAY FROM THEM JACOB!" i yelled as i arrived at the guestroom. He slowly turned around, holding Mega on his shoulder, like he is taking a dead corpse with him. Mega seemed like he was unconscious, i think. Jacob didn't say anything and just spread out his claws.

Clay was standing in a get ready to protect and or fight  possision. Even tho i'm not sure if he could even stand a chance without dying. Darryl was cowering on the bed with Zak. He was alright. George and Sapnap were helping Vincent with something, but i couldn't see anything since Jacob and Clay were blocking the view.


But i could tell that the blood that flowed down the stairs came from him.

"You got what you have. Leave!"
and swung my sword at him. He bucked it. "Stay here you all! I'll send someone over!" i left trying to catch up on Jacob again.

Jacob handed Mega over to one of his partners and told them to get his stuff and leave for the planned place Jacob booked.

After that Jacob stood still for a second and ran after i was just a few seconds away from him. Running over to the place that Darryl showed them that one day, with me right at his tail.

We were running for a little while and then arrived at the place. We stood still. Facing eachother, with the waterfall to my right side and Jacob's left side. This felt like a staring contest.

"So all those year's and now we are here.

. . .

So many great years.

. . .

Our Memories together.

. . .


. . .

All of this ment nothing to you.

. . .

Now did it."

. . .

. . .

  . . .

He just laughed.

"HAHA! Hah.. oh my god you are funny...

. . .


. . .

Wave the white flag

. . .

Have no mercy."

Noone's POV

They ran up to eachother, Zelk attacking with a jump. Screaming at eachother and slashing their faces appart. Techno's sharp, strong sword slashing his former friends right cheek half open and Zelk claws his left eye.

 Techno's sharp, strong sword slashing his former friends right cheek half open and Zelk claws his left eye

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The blood flowing in the air and at eachothers faces.

Landing on the opposite sides of were they were, but quickly turning around again continue and kept up with the fight. They didn't really care that the blood gushed out everywhere.

"JUST GIVE UP ALREADY!" Zelk screamed at him. Techno kept quiet, refusing to give him and answer and kept attacking him. Techno blocking Zelk's claws with his sword and now making them look at eachother close up again. Their eyes filled with hatred and rage. They broke appart after a few seconds and kept fight until either one gave up or dies. This lasted for what felt like hours or days, but it didn't.

The fact that they were losing semi-lot blood on their faces, didn't bother them, but it had to get treated quick either way. Techno and Zelk just wiped it away like it was nothing and fought.

"You know exactly that one of us will die! You stand no chance against me!" Jacob screamed. I stayed silent.
"No answer? FINE!"
He rushed towards his former friend attacking him nonstop, but did Technoblade. Non of them was about to give up. Techno quickly slid behind him, trying to attack, but it didn't work.
Zelk jumped away from him, but immediately jumped back at him.
"You know! Fair well! That this place will be gone for good! AND SO WILL YOU! ONCE AND FOR ALL!"

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