Match Making Moms

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Xiaojun's POV

I saw Hendery walk up to me

"There you are I've been looking for you all day"

He sat down next to me

"I want say I'm sorry for today morning I was feeling out of it but I'm better now"

"It's okay I'm sure you had a long night"

"No no I shouldn't have acted like that I probably made you think I was ignoring you or something sorry so would you like go out with me as an I'm sorry gesture"

I want it to be more then an I'm sorry gesture...

"Sure I would really love that"

"Okay give me a little bit of time I have something in mind"

*time skip Hendery's POV*

I saw Xiaojun sat cutting a slice of the cake we made yesterday and walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him


He looked at me and rolled his eyes then held up a bit of cake

"Say ahh"


3rd person's POV

Both boys didn't notice Hendery is mother walk in

"If I didn't know any better I'd think you were a couple"

Both boys blushed bright red and looked away
the mother content with the reaction she got went to leave with her cup of water not before giving her son a little message

"So your putting my advice to good use just remember I want to be a grandmother in at least six more years"

To say the last part made him blush would be an understatement he looked so red you wouldn't think it was humanly possible

"Ah anyway remember how I said I had a surprise"

The other boy nodded his mouth being full with cake

"Well I talked it out I was able to get us a week off our princely duties so we are going to go to a beach house i rented out for us"

Xiaojun's POV

I chocked on my cake

Me and him


In a beach house

For a week

His my crush

"Do you not like it if you don't I can always cancel and plan something else for us later"

"No no it's just I haven't had a full week off in a while"

Well that wasn't a whole lie even though that's not what I was thinking about I still haven't had a week off in I don't know months

"Your bad at lying you know"

"But I haven't had a week off in awhile"

"But that's not what you where thinking about"

"I'm sorry for ly-"

"No it's okay you have nothing to be sorry for you'll tell me when you feel like it's the right time anyway imma go pack now you should too"

"Okay I'll go pack"

As I was walking to my 'guest' room it's not really a guest room at this point since I have it semi decorated and am the only one who uses that room since I come over to visit so often I was thinking

When Kingdom's Hearts Unite - Xiaodery Where stories live. Discover now